Thursday, August 13, 2020

 ok now, question:  wtf with the birtherism. I mean, it was pretty unbelievable with Obama, but Harris wasn't born anywhere exotic or complicated she was born in fucking Oakland, Ca.  Also, the idea that she might not be a citizen because she had immigrant parents, wtf.  In America if you are born in America you are American full stop.  Isn't that part of the shit they're always complaining about Mexicans for, supposedly, coming here and having babies so they can get citizenship as parents of citizens.  Do they really think they can have this both ways?  Also the idea that Harris is a left wing candidate is ridiculous.  She is possibly more law & order that is ideal.  Also, if she is so leftist then why did 45 give money to her CA AG campaign?  He doesn't even live in California.  Is it really possible that they have no dirt on Biden/Harris?  Mad Nasty Woman and Sleepy Joe is the best they can do?  Are all the operatives working for Lincoln Project?  I thought this whole week would be Biden/Harris news cycle, and quite frankly I cannot believe that this stupid racist bullshit is taking it over.  Why is the media letting this have so much oxygen?