Wednesday, August 26, 2020


i missed that last part

i'll have to go back and watch

i wasn't sure it was coming back

and i had to watch the weather news

i was too freaked out

the storm has been getting bigger and it was almost a cat 5

as of six

they now think it will be cat 5, or within a few miles an hour of it


good news

it has shifted a little east

and the storm has tightened up


they aren't sure if there will be anything left of lake charles


we might not even get much rain

i feel so weird

like antsy and  a.d.d. and guilty

because lake charles is just a town trying to get by

it's not someplace that i personally feel connected to


people take trips to lake charles to gamble

i've heard about it all my life

and i've driven through it a lot

i wish there was something i could do to protect them


i'm so so grateful that it's not coming here

so, the guilt

i can't concentrate

i'm not sure whether to have a coffee

as a comfort food kind of thing


just start drinking

it's supposed to hit land about midnight now

i think it slowed up some

which is how come it was able to power up

i've got salt water taffy to stress eat

idk how you can deal with the fire thing

i'm sorry you have to leave your beautiful bunker

it looks like such a dream house and the bunker has a really nice roof

i think i'll start with coffee

i love you sweetheart