Sunday, August 23, 2020

Okay I just kind of fell asleep in the chair I didn't really go to bed
And then I spent a lot of time looking for an anti acne spot treatment
And I couldn't even tell you what else

What I meant to tell you earlier
When I was out driving around charging up my car battery because I think if you don't drive it then the car battery will just go dead
But I'm not exactly sure how much you have to drive it
so I just sort of drove around for a while
And it was my intention to pop into Ulta real quick and get more of the Clinique
because I tried to order it from Clinique and they don't have it on their website so I don't know if it's being discontinued or what
But then I was going to order it on the Ulta website and I'm like I'll just go in
but they didn't have a sign in their door that specifically said they were open they said stay in your car so maybe they're only doing curbside but when I was online I was not able to order that item and pick up
That's not really important I'm just explaining why I was on line so long looking for items
But the important thing
I drove by my old work I didn't go all the way like to the front but I could see the back of it from where I was
And it looked like Carl was taking out trash and I thought about it and
As soon as they open back I would have had to go back to work
But there wouldn't have been any hours
And they're probably still aren't any hours
So I would not have been making enough money to pay for anything
Because I was already having a hard time with it with the way they had cut my hours before
And I just had this sense of overwhelming gratitude
I mean everything is open here
They've all got big banners saying we're open
Which I assume means that they aren't getting a lot of business because people are staying home or they don't have money or you know all of the many reasons that they might not be getting business
But it's just like you know
Kind of a cluster
It wouldn't let me say c**********
And I didn't want to bother to go back and type it
But there's a very real way
In which there are currently two realities going on
That driving around I was actually concurrently aware of and it was disorienting
because at first I thought well am I the only one that's staying in my house
Am I the only one who's terrified
And when you go out it certainly looks that way there are people everywhere
By which I mean cars everywhere
And even though we have a mass ordinance
And they'll find you or something if you're not wearing a mask
I saw people not wearing masks
And I mean it didn't look to me like Carl was wearing a mask taking out the trash
Although maybe he took it off to take out the trash
But I don't know
But if everybody's got to have a big sign to tell you they're open
That means they feel like they've got to make a big point of it
So that means they're knocking business
Not getting business
This thing all the time gets what I say wrong I think I probably have too heavy of an accent

So I don't know
and it's my plan to watch the Republican convention
I never used to do that last year was the first one I ever watched and the only reason I watched that one was I was really expecting the Republicans to pull some s*** because they were talking about and not letting them in and overriding the nomination and I really thought maybe
They were going to do something
To stop Trump
Cuz there were a bunch of never trumpers at that point
But of course nothing exciting happened
Or nothing good exciting anyway
And I'm going to watch it this time
Not because I like the Republicans because I do not
but I'm just really curious to see what kind of s*** show they're going to put on
But I may not watch all of it
I don't really want to watch it
But I'm really curious

Anyway so today has all in all been a very disorienting day and being outside was weird
Cuz I mean I've gone to the mailbox a few times
I haven't really gone outside
I mean I guess I went to the store a couple weeks ago
It's not the same

But I'm so grateful
And my fancy radio came
So if there's a hurricane and we lose power for 10 days like I did the last time there was a hurricane
not with Harvey because that was a hurricane but it didn't hit here
I'm pretty sure I didn't lose power at all with Harvey or maybe I did for like 30 minutes or something but I don't think so I don't think I lost power at all
My mother did
But even if I lose power for 10 days like I did last time
assuming that radio works which I haven't checked out yet
It has a solar power panel on it
And it can recharge a phone
So in addition to the whatever you call those little charging boxes then I have a couple of
And I have a car phone charger
Which I also haven't tested out
So hopefully
This time I won't lose communication
Hopefully I can charge my phone and I'll have internet that way
With Ike I swear to God it was just awful not having internet
I'm like addicted to internet

Anyway I'm going to sleep for a few hours and then I'm going to get up and do laundry
Which I really really don't want to do
Oh I forgot to tell you
I found
A mountain and gets
Malin + Goetz
Spot treatment that has salicylic acid and sulfur
it's one of those kinds that you put a q-tip down into so that's a little less convenient than just having it be some kind of gel you can smear on top of things
But it should be more effective
So maybe rather than just kind of working
As opposed to most things that don't work at all
And the clinic that kind of worked
Maybe it'll actually work

The papaya oil I really like it
But I did get more breakouts
Which was made because it was overstimulating things I don't know
It wasn't too bad
then I saw this thing on the internet where it said if you use an oil cleanser and you just rub your skin for like 5 minutes or something that all your blackheads will just pop out
So I tried it
and although it supposedly works for everyone it didn't work for me
probably because most of mine aren't really blackheads they're probably closed comidones
So anyway I kind of fell off the wagon with picking
Cuz I was pretty stressed out
I've been kind of stressed out
So I kind of picked the s*** out of my face
I was telling myself at first I hope just a little
And I might know please please don't pick my face
But I just kept doing it
And there's a point at which you've done it too much your skin gets really irritated
But the stuff was loosened up and I just couldn't stop myself
So I just cleaned it out really well and I put the vitamin c on it
And then after I got up I did it again
it's not nearly as bad as I was afraid it was going to be
But I was just thinking at that point
You know it would probably be better if you just drank
Maybe you need some kind of therapy
Cuz it's really self-destructive behavior
And then I checked my email
And Texas's doing the Trump plan with the $300 a week
And I got to tell you I was really happy
And then I was like see you didn't need to destroy your face
So I mean I don't know how long that's going to last and I don't know if it's really going to happen but they said it is
So we'll see but that did lessen my stress

But I watched more video of people driving through fire
And that scares the s*** out of me
So just know
I don't think I have any control over forest fires or where they go or any of that
I don't have any delusion that I have control over that
But I wish I did
Cuz I just want you to be safe
I mean everybody it's not like I want even the trees to get hurt I love trees
In fact if I'm being honest I like trees better in general than I like people
But I'm thinking about you
I'm always thinking about you anyway
But I'm trying to think whatever kind of protection your direction might be within my capacity to have
And I don't understand about sweeping the forests
Does he honestly believe that it's possible to sweep the forest
Or desirable
I mean if you swept up all the leaves that would f****** the biome
Plants and animals kind of need there to be leaves they are decomposing
And assuming that it was even a desirable thing to sweep them who would pay all the thousands of people that would be necessary to sweep the leaves in the forest
What kind of ultra stupid s*** is that

anyway whatever I'm going to go to sleep for a little while I love you very much
And I really don't have a good explanation for why I didn't go to sleep before
I just don't mind very well