Monday, August 10, 2020

 i was going to go to bed a while ago


i didn't

i have like eight more scenes

i have to write

unless i'm forgetting one

or i think of a clever way to condense them

i was surprised it was that many


that's the information i have to get in

i am actually looking forward to getting through this part

i'm ready to get on to funner parts

mr sluggo and the night kitchen


it's not all going to be fun with slugs

i hope you had a good day

i love you very much sweetheart

and i realize i'm not writing much dialog

but this book isn't really about dialog

i hope not every chapter is as information dense as the first one

i feel like every little bit i write is a whole short story

and i'm not certain that i should have

put the stuff about the toilet being stolen

i may change that

i want it to simultaneously maybe be

a mystery about the actually missing thing

and the metaphor of a stolen america


that part may end up having to be changed somehow

if it doesn't work

with the later on stuff


if you don't like it


i don't know what to say

i'm feeling pretty good about it

but i'm not sure

oh well

goodnight sweetheart

i love you very much