Sunday, August 9, 2020

Okay that story is not going to be done by tomorrow
I've got a thousand words about that are full on written down
But I'm still having a little trouble working out a few things
And a thousand words is only like three three and a half pages
And I'd really like it to be at least 12
I got my physical lot 49 in the mail and it's first chapter is only 12 pages so I don't need it to be you know 25 or 30 like I said initially but I still haven't really thought of a good way to introduce the spirit guides ahead of time
And maybe I don't need to
maybe if I ride it the right way it's perfectly legitimate for her to be just like calling out for help and you don't have to have had this whole backstory of the whole life of communication
Because that isn't really what this book is about
so I'm playing it out different ways and trying to see how it works out
but I think it's more likely that it'll be Monday or Tuesday before I finish
Now on the plus side I think this first chapter is a little trickier because I'm setting things up
And so hopefully some of the other chapters won't be so hard
But that's probably wishful thinking they probably will all be somewhat tricky
And I realize that the thing that I said oh I want to get this down and then what I actually wrote was I don't know planer
But I decided that if I had shorthand and I had amusement park that was a pretty egregious mixing of a metaphor
And that what I wanted to say was shorthand
Also I really wanted it to be as non-specific as possible
Because I don't want to talk about my job in this I don't want it to be about me in my job me bitching about my job me talking about all the ills of corporate America That's not what this book is about
So I realize that in that section I really did do quite a bit of editing in place
and I realized that my mother says that that's against the rules and you're not supposed to do that but I don't really give a s*** what she says
In point of fact what happens when I write is I start writing and I get a little ways in and I go I'm not really interested in this I don't like the way this is going this isn't something I would want to read and then I kind of lose my enthusiasm for writing it
and if what I do is I just sit down and write a bunch of stuff as it comes to me and then it is n't getting interesting that's not the path I want to go down
although I will say that I really really want to chain smoke and pace I really feel like that would improve the writing process ever so much and I'm not doing that I'm not going to do that but I'm having a desire to do that
and I realized that I haven't written a book before but I did a lot of writing when I was in college that was successful
as opposed to a lot of the writing I've done since I've been out of college and it has not been what I would call successful
And what I did when I did the successful writing was I worked out through my head until I had a very clear grasp of what I was going to say and then I would write it in the moment so that it both had an element of plannedness and spontaneousness
much in the same way that if I'm going to go to some sort of important thing and have to talk to somebody I prepare but I don't plan exactly what I'm going to say I just think about all the issues and get my thoughts really clear on the issues and etc
So I'm going to trust that I know more about how I write than my mother does because I just do
And I gather some bad s*** happen today but I haven't really been on Twitter and I haven't really watched the news and I don't really know what's going on
So not sure how I got to be so late
But I'm going to go to bed and love you very much and I hope you have a good sleep and I'm going to think about things and imagine after I sleep I will have a clearer idea about what I want to do about the things I'm trying to work out in my story
that part that I posted today I realize it wasn't very long but I really had a lot of thoughts about how deeply I wanted to go into it and then decided that on the detail of my actual job I wanted to go pretty shallow in the detail
So anyway again I love you I hope you get some good sleep I'll talk to you in the probably not super early morning I'm going to try to not sleep a whole lot but just enough that I'm coherent