Sunday, August 23, 2020

Okay I'm sort of up
I dreamed that I went to work
It wasn't quite like my work it was somewhat different but I went there
And I did some kind of thing on the empty register
And I was thinking man I've spent months trying to forget how to do all this stuff but I guess I didn't
And then I went to the wine department and it looked really bad
And there was this guy there and he was looking for something for dinner with his wife
And I recommended these beef fillets
and he's like well this would be perfect if we just had some eclos wine
And so I just looked around in the case stock that was standing right there and magically there was some eclos wine
and I handed it to him and said here you go do you want me to take this to the register for you He's like no I got it and I'm like okay well thank you I hope you have a wonderful dinner
And then I went wandering off
And the manager
It wasn't Dennis
Because Dennis had moved on to another store or something
was talking to somebody and he was trying to train on something
and I kept headed around to the wine hallway and the restroom which are in the same hallway
Any kind of came up behind me and he's like hey were you helping somebody
We didn't exactly put it like that he said something like did you do that
And the customer was telling somebody what a fabulous job I had done
which was something that never seemed to actually happen when I worked there
People would tell me that I had done a great job but they would never you know compliment me to the manager or send a good Yelp review about me that never really happened
Which I didn't care that much about I didn't think
This guy was like ratting me out by telling somebody what a great job I had done
And I'm like yeah I guess I did I'm sorry
And he's like hey it's what you do
And I was like well I used to
And it turned out it was like a $200 sale and they were having a hard time making small sales so they weren't displeased
He's like but you probably shouldn't do that
And I said I probably shouldn't come here
So I went to the restroom
And I left the store
But instead of being in a parking lot
It was in this giant grassy field
And I just started running
But I had this awareness of myself and I was not in the body I'm physically in I was in a younger kind of tallish lean body
For whom running across a large grassy area that might contain divots that could catch your ankle and potentially cause you trouble
well it wasn't any trouble for this person she was just running and running and running
And then in the midst of running
This other guy was running
And they crossed paths
And it became kind of a race
And he got in his car he was ahead of her
And she got in her car
And they were both kind of old cars that weren't necessarily in the best shape
But he turned over his car
And she turned over her car
And then they were kind of racing out of there
like maybe they were going to go somewhere together but did she even know this person I don't know
Anyway I woke up
Because I had to pee

and I'm sure there were other dreams but that's the only one I remember