Saturday, August 8, 2020

I'm in bed and I've got ideas I want to get down

Work had become a shorthand of itself for her it was always kind of a amusement park ride and currently she was in the trough of the roller coaster waiting for it to go back up

Mondayshe had a little less than an hour to walk the department pull all the signage from the email and blast from the weekend straighten things up make notes about what she needed to order Read email and corporate communications review any ups coming sales or promotions right orders and make note of anything she needed to do catches catch can the rest of the day then she was potentially unregistered the rest of the day

Tuesday Walk the department straighten things up makes bases for things that were coming in receive orders put away orders have a little more flexibility with when she did what because there might be more coverage and for sure there was the young manager who actually believed she had things to do I would pretty much let her do them Tuesday was a good day of the week
Write beer orders
Catch up on things
Wednesday she was usually off
Thursday they were orders to write sometimes but the amount of time she had available to do her actual job had been so diminished that she tried not to do orders on Thursday for Friday she tried to get everything ordered on Monday so at the very least any order there was would be very small and easier to put away on Friday when they would be busy and she would have to put out signage for email blasts restock everything for the weekend but that would be likely to be other things operationally that she would get pulled into from other departments and there was always the registerit's pretty much tells you about Thursday and Friday
Saturday she had a tasting which for many years at her job had been the high point on the roller coaster where you can look around and see everything and you have the excitement
She had built up a customer base that would come on Saturday for an amazing tastings and people would buy a full cart full of wine a various sorts but because of a unfortunate competitor down the street her wine was no longer competitively priced and because of a manager who came from a small store and didn't understand the value of tastings and didn't like wine and didn't seem to much like her what she could taste had been diminished and so that customer base had stopped coming saying you know we can get this kind of tasting two different wines we can get something better than this at any grocery store and they stop coming and some of them had already stopped coming because the people who bought that much wine at a time were going to spend more so in a way when the regional vice president had decided to discontinue tastings the kind of made sense
However now they had a new fearless leader who came from more upscale brand who believed in tasting and customer interaction and Nordstrom  level of customer service
With a labor plan which called for the department had to be a cashier predominantly
And the store generally to be run was slightly less than the fewest number of people possible to get the job done
So it seemed impossible to her that anyone making any of these rules had any idea how anything actually worked at the store level
Which quite frankly was not new