Thursday, August 20, 2020

Okay I forgot to tell you I went to sleep
But I did about 9:00
And now I'm up
But I'm wondering if maybe I had some things that I said that were bad somehow
Because I had some really bad dreams or yucky dreams anyway I don't know
The first one that was this guy and he was kind of weird and he carried around this big thing that was wrapped in canvas or something
But you didn't know what it was
And then one day he fell and his pack kind of broke apart and there were these dead dogs in it that look like I don't know they had had some kind of necromancy done on them or something and they just broke completely apart from the impact of fall and one of the loose bones I saw it move and wiggle its way into the ground like it was a worm or something
And then I wasn't sure on the timeline whether this was before like a flashback or whether it was after and he had somehow recovered
but he went around and would like lure these dogs away from wherever they were
A lot of them in this flashback seem to be in parked cars but at night
and he would like to say this thing to them that didn't make any sense like see your dog and he's a dog
Anyway that was weird I don't know what it means
I bet I had a package delivery or some stuff that I apparently ordered and it was like an inflatable crocodile with some other kind of animal inside of it and you could use it as a pool float or a lamp
Which is weird

But then I had this other dream that seemed even weird
He goes to this it's like a dentist sort of
With the woman that he loves
But this is like her ex
I don't know if there's some ulterior motive like they're trying to get some dirt on him or trying to run some kind of spy operation I don't know I got the impression there was but no specifics
So the dental / oral surgery guy
He is doing stuff that specifically hurts this man
In a way that seems gratuitous to me
But then he puts him under
And he starts doing all kind of hypnotic suggestion to him
And at first
He's having him perform oral sex on the girlfriend
And she has got a lot of hair
And he has got a mustache and a beard
And it's all messing together
In a way that I am finding an attractive
As I don't know the narrator of the dream or something and I'm I don't want to see that
but I'm also kind of horrified that they're doing this I'm not a suggestion and I want them to stop
And I don't understand why the girlfriend is going along with it
But then they give him this if not a suggestion or has crawl naked through a hallway of a school
Because out in the yard of the school there's some kind of plant he's supposed to gather and bring back
but then he's in the hallway of the school and he has some things that he's gathered but they're like all bugs
And then the bugs are crawling around
And then suddenly I'm feeling what the guy is feeling and there are these things that might be leeches or something I don't know I don't think they're slugs I think there's something more nefarious than slugs
And they're crawling on his / my leg
And I'm like get them off me get them off me get them off me get them off me

So that's not good and I never have dreams like that I don't know what that's all about
And that's why I wonder if I might have said something that was sounding bad that I didn't mean to be bad and then you're upset somehow

So somewhere in there there was something about cats