Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I just woke up
I have a really bad headache still or again I'm not sure
But had a really kind of amazing dream
Okay there was a scroll in the dream
And her friend had recommended this movie to her
And she just turned it on in a random spot
And there were these two women who were out on a field
And one was rimming the other one
And she's like I'm not really into this
The person who was watching the film I mean
But then at some point in the future she went ahead and watched the film because it had been recommended to her as really good
And there was a lot of stuff I don't remember in the film
But there was a coffee shop
And there was a guy who worked the coffee shop or went to the coffee shop everyday or something
They knew him from the coffee shop
I know a lot of things had transpired
And one day they saw him
And I guess he had been hitting on them for years
So they walked in the coffee shop arm in arm
Holding hands
Arms around one another
Just generally seeming like they were a couple
But they hadn't been a couple
And then they went out for a drive in their car
Or it was one of their cars
And they got to this field
And the one girl is going to do something kind of dangerous
Any other girl was wanting to do something to brace her
And that's what one of the girls wanted
And it was this whole very complicated and intricate exchange
It wasn't just some kind of random sex act in a field
I had some very like mystical significance that I can't now explain to you
And then the camera panned
And it's two girls
I had somehow been transmogrified
Into two boys who were lying in the front yard of a house
Which happened to be my grandparents front yard
And then the other guy
Had been transformed into a different guy who was laying separately in the yard
And it was like a film reboot or something
But it was part of the same film
And it was kind of magical
But I can't explain exactly why

And it wasn't really like Mulholland drive where the character changes but it kind of was but it kind of wasn't
But there was something very significant
Because the girls have changed
but then that other guy had changed too he was still a guy but he was different somehow
Like purified somehow
But also I think younger
And also I think gay

so I don't know what all that means but it was as a dream pretty remarkable

and then it was immediately followed by a dream
Where I was trying to get to somewhere
And someone else was driving
And they didn't know where they were going
And I was trying to get my hands on the map
All of a sudden we drove along and the ground just kind of fell out from under us
And I was like oh crap
But it seemed to be okay The car just kind of fell but it didn't seem to be impaired it seemed to just continue to drive along
I was like oh see that would have been just enough for me I don't think I would have driven after that
The driver was like oh it's fine
but I didn't really think it was fine and then they were wanting me to give them directions based on the map that I hadn't even figured out yet
And I didn't seem to be able to really read it
But then we all of a sudden were in some city
and I had no idea what city it was but it was someplace I'd never been before like I don't know somewhere in Ohio maybe
and then we got to downtown and they pulled into this like shoot kind of thing
And I'm like where are you going now
And there are like well this is the subway and I'm like this is the subway you just drive into the subway
but yeah apparently that's what you did You drove into the subway and then you took this car
And it took us to some amusement park
And I'm like this is where we're trying to get to an amusement park
Because I don't believe I thought I was going to an amusement park
But I was wearing this very elaborate historical costume
I'm not really sure what period it was from
It was very comfortable though
Maybe I don't know I don't think it was regency but maybe it was
It was white I know that
And it was long I know that
I had to go to the restroom so I was looking for the restroom
And I found the restroom and I walked in and it's like a room
But there are a bunch of women in it
Like having a tea in lecture and doesn't seem to be a restroom at all
And there's white curtains all around the walls
So finally I think well maybe there's something behind the curtains and I start looking behind the curtains
Behind the curtains there are these drawers that look like they slide out from the wall
so I start pulling them out to see what's in them first what I pull out is a bed
And I'm like okay well that's not useful
And then somebody else pulls one out and it's toilet
And I'm like really that's the bathroom system there's no privacy
And everybody just kind of looks at me like what's my problem
And I'm like o-kaaaay
And then I woke up