Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Okay I'm up now
Sort of
Well they're not expecting it to hit us
They're forecasting it to miss us completely
But we're still in the watch zone or warning sound or something
And I just saw a forecast that said that it's mid-range category 4 now so the storm surge is going to be 20 ft and is unsurvivable
So it's good they evacuated Galveston
and they're thinking that storm surge is going to come 30 miles inland
Which I guess is why they called for voluntary evacuations of southern ZIP codes in Houston
Because essentially Houston goes all the way to Galveston more or less
So it looks pretty bad
But as of right now they don't think it's going to hit us
I'm going to go wash my face and take a shower and get all clean just in case if everything goes out you don't want to be starting that all sweaty and yuck
Certainly if the power goes out in Houston now that would be pretty bad
Because the days are mostly in the mid-90s
With a real feel of over a hundred
I can get a little cross breeze in this apartment but it's really not enough unless it's boosted with a fan or something
At the beginning of the pandemic
I was opening the living room window and the kitchen window of which there is one of each
I'm putting a fan in the kitchen window
To kind of suck the air through
And that was working great
For March and April
But you know by May you pretty much have to go with air conditioning
So that's the really unfortunate part about the power going out
But maybe it won't
Anyway that's where I'm at
I believe their forecasting
A couple inches of rain and about 40 mph winds
For us as of now and I think they're expecting the storm to make landfall somewhere around I think they're saying eight now when I went to sleep they were saying more like six but I think they're saying eight now
That's just the beginning of the storm I think but at least it'll be obvious where it's coming by that point cuz they can shift up to the last minute
with hurricane Rita they thought it was coming straight for us here
And they called for I guess it was voluntary evacuation I don't know
So people went and got on the freeways and highways and it was just one giant traffic jam and people ran out of gas sitting in the traffic and if they storm had come here they probably would have died which is why they can't really do those evacuations like that
But I didn't evacuate
And it didn't even rain that much but Port Arthur was jacked up pretty bad they weren't expecting it because it shifted at the last minute so they were kind of prepared but they weren't super prepared and a lot of people just got lost in the storm surge which was pretty bad like their families didn't know where they were and stuff
So it's unlikely to come here but still not completely out of the woods
But pretty much you shouldn't worry