Sunday, August 2, 2020

Okay I guess this was a town or some kind of community anyway but it seemed to be most community spaces I don't know where people lived
And there was an art show in an art gallery fairly prominent in the community
And like I say lots and lots of public area hallways and stuff
So as I was walking around I started noticing things that seemed off
But at first I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was because at first it was pretty subtle
At first it was things being just moved around a little bit
And nobody noticed
And then there were things being written in spots that were not quite in view
Up by the ceiling
Behind trash receptacles
Stuff like that
Things were being whited out
And things were being written in fairly bright blue paint
At first with stenciling so it had kind of a crisp edge of something that was supposed to be there
and I kept trying to point things out to people
But they didn't seem to want to see it

Until finally
The paintings in the art gallery were painted over with white paint
And some of them were moved off of the walls but some of them were just painted right over but they were all to be clear they were all painted over with white paint even the ones that were moved off of the walls
And then all the walls were painted on with this blue paint
Now there had been bits and pieces of this whiting out and blue painting
That I tried to point out to people
But no one seemed to be able to see it until it was complete completely painted over and the only colors you could see in the gallery were white and blue
Which I kind of assumed meant no one was looking in the gallery at all
and they couldn't really see any of the art that was in there so as long as they looked in there and it just kind of looked like an art gallery they could have noticed any difference
But by the time people seem to be able to see that things were not right it was pretty far along
And I was pretty freaked out

Add this detective
I'm not even sure he was officially a detective
He looked like you but I'm not sure that it was you
He went in and he started walking around
Analyzing the situation
A big section of the wall was just bare
By which I mean all the canvases were off of it
Not that it was clean because it had been painted with this blue paint
And he's like well these paintings seem to have been stolen
And I pointed up
There were there were two sections of walls that were pretty close together and these paintings were pretty big and so they had just been set on top of the walls but they were above eye level so no one had noticed them
And I pointed up because all the paintings had been rested across those two walls
But they weren't intact they had been to face they were painted over with white paint some of them looked like they also had some blue paint on them
So he went and looked behind the wall so he could see whatever part of the pig was facing down which was mostly the backs of the paintings
and they had busted out some of the stretcher bars broken some of the stretcher bars so they had you know jacked them up pretty bad
And he pointed this out
and I was thinking well yeah that's bad but the stretcher bars can be replaced the main damage is the defacing of the fronts of the paintings but okay
And then he looked around some more and he found some fingerprints where they had gotten paint on their fingers and then they had touched something and there were some fingerprints

So that was like a solid lead
But I was really afraid
And I don't remember what happened after that
I'm not sure if I woke up or if the dream just switched I mean I did wake up but I don't think I woke up right at that moment I just don't remember there might have been more to that dream