Sunday, August 9, 2020

here's a piece of it i was having trouble with/out of sequence/And yet somehow

She was in a dream, and she was aware that she was in a dream.  She walked up to a table with two people sitting there, but she got the impression that they weren't exactly people, there was something kind of otherworldly about them, they weren't exactly in focus.  On the table was a stack of what looked like lucite tablets, possibly holographic, with what at first seemed like circular cuts in them going all the way around without meeting at the end which would have made them fall through.  However, as she looked at them closer they seemed more like zen enso or the writing of Arrival  aliens.  She felt like she was beginning to get some understanding of them, they were case files.  Whatever, she had run out of time for this analysis, they were asking her questions.  What can you tell us about the golden toilet, they wanted to know.

Well, it's an art piece by Maurizio Cattelan commissioned by the Guggenheim.  It's an installation piece that's an actual functional toilet made out of, i think, 18 karat gold.  They had it set up in the Guggenheim as an installation for people to actually use as a toilet.  They offered it to 45 as an art loan but he declined.  Oh yeah, and the title of the piece is America.  What can you tell me about it?

It's been stolen.

She couldn't stop thinking about it after she woke up.  She looked it up. It had been stolen.  It had been loaned out to Churchill's birthplace.  It had disappeared.  There didn't seem to be any leads.