Monday, August 10, 2020

quotidienne: coffee + toast 8:10

 i dreamed about

coffee shop, i think

only people were going back to college


i was changing clothes in the back of a van

before i went in some big house

to meet some important person


i was meeting some kid going back to college

at a noodle shop


there was more, but i don't remember

mr sluggo

he often strays from the kitchen a little

which made me nervous at first

because the carpet powder

does it really all get vacuumed up

has at least baking soda

and maybe other thing that might not be good for mr sluggo


he seems fine

i figure he knows what he's doing

but last night

he was out about halfway between the kitchen and bathroom

which granted

isn't all that far

but was about two feet further out

and put him in a shadow

i could have stepped on him accidently

i told him how glad i was to see him

and how fine he was looking


that maybe be careful about blending in too good

the cat looked at him with interest when he first showed up

but now

mr sluggo could be invisible asfar as kitty's concerned

he leaves these beautiful glistening tracks

even when they dry they continue to have a slight ethereal sparkle when you catch them from the right angle

did i tell you i thought he was transforming into a leaf during the day

and then

when there were two mr sluggos

there were mysteriously two leaves

my mind was properly blown