Friday, August 21, 2020

so much to worry about

i'm gonna start by saying

you do whatever you need to do

to keep yourself and your family safe

i love you

it feels a little post apocalyptic though

inland hurricanes in the mid-west

california's on fire again


oh yeah, i hadn't forgotten it was hurricane season

but two at once is unusual (1933 the last time, apparently)

plus one's headed right for me (potentially)

you can't ever say, not for sure

because they can shift direction and mostly do

but it's five days out and i gotta check the hurricane supplies

all i can think of now is


green drink powder (gatorade or powerade)

tequila and margarita mix

tuna and bread

i have soup and stuff

i have a camp stove and propane

but, realistically

if there's a hurricane and the power is out

i'm not gonna cook shit

it's supposed to be twenty years between hurricane hits

like, almost, clockwork

carla, alicia, allison,

but then ike and harvey

ike was less than ten years from allison

allison was really a tropical storm that stalled out


that made harvey the almost twenty year

except that it wasn't a hit for us either, exactly


the whole climate change thing has gotten it all out of whack

i was worried about climate change before

i had to start worrying about all this

i don't have the same sense of things there

i don't have a real understanding, like you have

having been a long time resident there

i know things get dry

and i know about the santa ana winds

which i found frightening

i've driven in california and seen things burning on the side of the road

and then there were pictures

and video footage

of that shit that looked like driving through a volcano

or hell, or something

fires scare me way more than hurricanes

realistically i'm like seventy miles inland

it's unlikely to make it this far at a cat five

so while sure i could die

it's a lot more likely that my roof will be ripped off

my car will be flooded out

everything i own might be destroyed


it's just as likely that it'll hit beaumont or something, ya know

if it hit's beaumont

i probably won't even be on the dirty side of the storm

and we might not even get flooding here, maybe

although regular rain causes flooding, so who can say

whereas, if there are fires

what's stopping 'em?

they could go everywhere, burn everything


they don't

most of california is still there

even with the fires and the mud slides and the earthquakes

but how though, i don't get how

and where are the murder hornets

they aren't telling us about them

but that doesn't mean they went away


now i'm afraid of portland style para-military at the polls

am i gonna have to worry about rubber bullets at voting

no vote by mail in texas

you can get one if you have an "excuse" for why you can't vote

but fear of covid doesn't count

california is voting by mail

but how will that work for evacuees

maybe they aren't sending out ballots yet

so much to worry about