Saturday, August 22, 2020

So normally when I go to sleep I just fall right to sleep
But today
And I'm guessing it was because I took a shower and went out and did things
My body said no it's not time to go to bed
We just got up
Although I had not and I was tired
So I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep
And I eventually got to sleep but it was like almost one
And then my alarm went off at like 4:00 or something because that's what time I had planned to get up
And that wouldn't necessarily have woken me up except there was this unbelievable that sounded like it was a physical creature slam and it's way down the street
So I changed my alarm and I got up and peed
And determined that the world wasn't ending
At least probably not this particular moment
And then I went back to sleep
And have been up for almost an hour or write about an hour I'm not sure but I was really hungry and had to eat something
And to be honest with you I feel weird
I suspect it's because I had so much trouble going to sleep
And then maybe didn't sleep well
But I am super groggy and slightly dizzy I kind of disoriented
You seem still to be okay
And I'm really happy about that
I had some really good dreams or I don't know if they were good but they were interesting
But by the time I was coherent enough to operate the device they were just gone if any of it comes back to me I will definitely let you know because I know it was interesting
But mostly I'm just glad to see that you're okay
I don't know whether to drink coffee and try to get to where I feel coherent
It might help my headache
Or just a force fluids for a little while and then go back to bed and get up in the morning I'm leaning more towards that one
I don't really like to do laundry at night in this complex
because the laundry is just kind of poked over into a really dark corner
And although I know it's dangerous
I don't like to leave the door unlocked
because then I could leave and come back and somebody's in the house and I can't I can't do that
And it's a pain in the ass to have to keep using keys when you get your hands full and stuff so I don't like to do laundry at night and I need to do laundry so I'm leaning towards just going to bed and getting up in the morning-ish time
I love you very much sweetheart
It's all going to be okay