Thursday, August 27, 2020

Possible I said the last time a storm this strong came through in Louisiana was in 1880 but that's incorrect
It was something called the last island storm in 1850 something
So I've not really been able to pull myself away
I've looked through Instagram a little on the breaks
And I started watching the show but I didn't get very far because the break ended
Galveston has a lot of back bay flooding from winds
But they get that
I mean it is for sure flooded but it's not flooded like it would be if the hurricane went there
And the storm you remember how I told you it powered up so fast
Well they were explaining that where the warmest part of the gulf usually is is over closer to Florida and if it had powered up there it would have hit us but since for some reason the warmest part of the gulf is over closer to where we are that made it turn before us
and it has to do with the winds and stuff he explained it but I didn't really understand
Galveston is so nice
I mean in a way it's not in a way it's a s******* but they're walking around the strand and it's really pretty there
But it could have come here and it could have been really bad
I thought we were 70 mi from the coast but we're more like 50 miles from the coast apparently so we would have been lake Charles
But we're not yet to the middle of the hurricane season That's the middle of September
and we usually don't get a storm in fact I don't think we've ever gotten a storm after the middle of October
But there's a bunch of stuff starting in the Atlantic I think it might be all the way over close to Africa at this point but it's headed this direction so I don't know we might have some more storms
And it occurs to me that since the hurricanes are based on warm water
and this isn't the first time this occurred to me but it's occurring to me more viscerally now since hurricanes are based on warm water global warming is going to just amp them up so rather than having a bad hurricane every 20 years it's going to be more like every year or two maybe more than 1 a year
So maybe the gulf coast isn't safe as a place to live I mean it's not
I have California isn't safe
I wonder where is a safe place to live where you're not going to have to worry about weather issues or drought because with global warming I think there's going to be a lot more problems with drought and water becomes an issue
I just wonder where is the post-apocalyptic paradise