Tuesday, August 4, 2020

in my dreams
social media is very different
it's all about finding patterns in the static
everyone is anonymous
not like they are irl
but like completely
people have avatars
but they aren't ever real pictures of themselves
and the names
are largely things you couldn't even remember
like [picture]154648411SS121284IL5587J
stuff like that
you've got to capture the thread quickly
or you might never sift them out again

i'm not sure how i would represent that descriptively
i'll have to give it some thought

i've been doing some research on structure
i want to write like just sit and write it free flow
and that is typically how i have written
clearly that isn't working for me
i'm getting other ideas
i'm trying to draw a parallel in my mind
with music theory

i had this idea
of this whole thing-- T, the pandemic, quarantine, economic collapse
as a sort of murder mystery
i'm not sure it works
i think
maybe i'm back to the short stories as novel idea
maybe structuring it in a way
that the short stories fulfill structural points
and maybe
cannot be mistaken for a story collection

i've been nodding off in the chair

i'm going to bed soon

i love you very much sweetheart

the other idea i had
that i'm quite interested in
maybe not as a finished product
maybe just as an exercise and then rewrite
[is exercise really spelled with an s and not a z?]
is to take a novel
and use it as a model or template
like write my story analogously to it
i'm a little excited at the puzzle element of that

and the story
i want to write right now
is this current world, right now, 2020
although it might expand or contract
not sure yet