Thursday, August 27, 2020

So there's some roads that are impossible near the Bolivar peninsula which is on Galveston island I don't I'm looking at it but I don't understand what happened it's just covered with rocks so maybe they were high waves and it washed the rocks from the side of the highway up onto the highway they're saying high island near the Bolivar peninsula but I am unfamiliar with what high island is
But yeah I can't think what could have done that except for high waves washing rocks from the side of the highway up onto the highway
so even though the hurricane didn't get anywhere near Galveston it still kind of f***** it up
And there was some report that there were 150 people who were staying in Cameron which is where it hit in Louisiana in RVs which I can't imagine that they're okay
Cuz I mean 150 mph winds and RVs just do not sound compatible and the storm surge they've only been they've only got measurements for 11 ft but a the storm surge wasn't supposed to be highest where the hurricane hit it was supposed to be highs to the right of it so maybe Cameron really only did have storm surge of 11 ft but they've only got surviving instrument that gave them that measurement so it could have been higher in other places and they the instruments just got broken
But yeah it does not look good
And in a way the gulf coast is one big environment so if you jack with any part of it you have impact on all of it one way or an2other
But they're expecting it to stay a category I think when it hits Arkansas they're expecting it to still be a category 2
Looks like the piney woods is getting a lot of rain they may have some flooding
But the west side of the storm is never as bad
They don't really have information yet I guess from Louisiana on the the dirty side of the storm
But with Harvey what happened was the storm stalled out and it just stayed and stayed and stayed and we were on the dirty side of the storm and it just dropped bands and bands and bands of rain
But this storm is not expected to stall there's no weather system that looks like it would cause it to stall so while they'll get a s*** ton of rain and they'll probably have some flooding and they'll have a lot of winds too wow that water is pretty high in the back Bay in Galveston
Anyway the storm's going up into Arkansas and then I think it's expected to head off into Tennessee and all the way to the East coast but it'll just be rain there
And the remains of Marco is another thing that helped it not come to us Marco just kind of dissipated didn't really do all that much headed off towards New Orleans but it had something to do with the storm getting pushed in a way that it didn't come to us so thank you Marco
And there's a dry low front that's over Texas that's come this way that's also helped push it away from us but as a consequence our temperatures are probably going to be higher
I thought I had seen forecasted 90° for yesterday which would be cooler but what I just saw was 100° but dryer
so it probably won't actually feel any hotter
The West end of Galveston is pretty flooded That's from back Bay and also from high waters because they don't have the seawall down there
Oh Jamaica Beach everybody had richer friends that had beach houses at Jamaica Beach so I stayed out at Jamaica Beach several times when I was a teenager
If you have friends in Tennessee they are expecting it to dump a lot of rain on Tennessee and there may be flooding and power outages
or maybe not but that's what they're saying they're saying that they're not expecting it to to break apart very quickly that it'll still be a cat 2 in Arkansas 
and at 7:00 tonight they're expecting that the winds will have gone down to 110 degrees instead of they're 130 now