Friday, August 21, 2020

I dreamed about a strange place
I mean it was this town
This community
And some of the details now are unclear
But there was this I don't know if it was the same person
It was the sky that on the one hand seemed very likable but insecure and he wanted people to go to a party at his house that was like all he wanted
he wasn't popular at his job and he didn't have a lot of friends and he had this vision that if he could just have this party all of that would turn around
so he did all this work and spent all this money you know putting in a pool and doing all this landscaping and planning it all out and taking out loans and whatever
But then when there was the actual party he seemed like he was a different guy entirely
He was kind of unpleasant and
He had this painting that he would do most of
But then his son would finish it off
Which was ostensibly the design you know like when you do a sometimes a ribbon cutting Phil have had a picture the whole time with what it was going to look like
It was kind of like that
Except then suddenly they were being really nasty
but there just weren't very many people at the party so I don't know who they thought they were impressing but there was this kind of like mastermind thing about it
And then also
There was something about a girl
And I sort of think it was the sun who was a really sweet seeming guy kind of shy whatever
She was going to go out with him
And there was something about keys and not letting anybody at the office see the keys
And yet somehow he managed to codedly tell somebody that this girl was going out with him
In a conversation about the keys
It's not clear to me now but it was fairly subtle and it was another case where like the father had seemed to be this really sweet person but in fact he was horrible it made it look like that that was kind of had the sun was too
And then there was also
Like going on at the same time in the same community
There was a large it was a Jewish event but I'm not 100% clear now if it was a holiday event or if it was just kind of a social event
But there were people who were talking about the things that needed to be done to keep it kosher
But the people they were talking to some of them understood all the kosher rules but didn't follow them and some of them legitimately didn't know the kosher rules
But the people who were talking were talking as though the people who kosher rules must just not be following them because they didn't understand them as opposed to that they just did not choose to follow those rules because they practiced Judaism in a different way
So it's kind of a weird multi-layered thing

So the whole dream was about all these different like layers of understanding and meaning and revealing and concealing
And outward display
Versus in ner feeling

It was quite beautiful and complicated but kind of hard to describe
And the paintings they they kind of look like hockney
Or something
They were definitely representational but they were not very realist
Not quite like hockey More abstract than hockney
I feel like I haven't done a good job at all
But it was a very interesting dream