Friday, January 5, 2024

I had dreams
remembered them past waking
recently I've known I had them
sometimes I think they were about you
I can't remember them

these were not about you

I was in some small town
I was at some place
talking to the person running the place
which was some sort of retreat, maybe

there was a library she had built for her daughter to run
BUT it wasn't actually run by her daughter
this really cool Asian woman ran it
I started talking to her
she seemed like someone I might want to
actually be friends with

I went all over this town

I can't remember all the stuff

The Library was a BIOGRAPHICAL library
it collected information about people
obscure stuff
and not like books necessarily

I was really enjoying the whole experience

then I realized
I'm contagious
I should be quarantined
I maybe fucking these people up
and I didn't know what to do
I wanted to carry on with these people
visit regularly
MAYBE even move there
HOW could I fix this

It's not like I purposely did it
I was just like behaving normally
BUT then remembered
I shouldn't have been

Ben and Vikki are very sick
I didn't make them sick
but I think I read the email when I was up
before going back to bed
so between 12:30 and 2am

I had my standard food (not sick food)
Beremeal Oatcakes and Golden Berries
with a little bit of CHEESE

my whole life
when I'm sick
and then I feel better
I want Cheetos
but then I eat Cheetos and I feel worse

I had actually kinda forgotten Cheetos exist

My new craving is egg roll 
from Ambassador Chinese Restaurant

so it's textural
and I think must have to do with 
or maybe just high calorie

it was too late for egg roll ordering
but the CHEESE went over well

wasn't CRUNCHY though
I have some CRUNCHY salmon skin
I'm maybe gonna eat now
I finished my chia pudding

I'm super proud of my strides in chia pudding

Use boiling water
For the first bit and stir
it softens the seeds
then I use coconut water
and finish with either kefir water or kombucha
I think anything carbonated would work

the carbonation puffs it slightly
then I mix in a couple tablespoons of COCOYO

Stevia drops 
approx 3 drops per tablespoon of chia used
Sometimes Ginger

This Stevia is some special medical grade
they use (in larger than I am using quantities)
for Lyme disease treatment

it doesn't LOOK pretty
but it is ENJOYABLE
and I DO NOT like chia pudding

Yesterday I did have my chia pudding
but I had bone broth too
I'm gonna risk those chips

I forgot
I also had 50 chlorella tablets

is the brand of salmon chips
8g protein
5g marine collagen
90mg omega 3
140 calories
9g fat
6 carbs

it's definitely a snack food
not like an everyday thing
The best flavor I've had is 
Roasted Egg
which I was almost afraid to try

Highly recommend