Wednesday, January 24, 2024

CAT has the triad
apparently cat's internal organs
are more interactive than dogs or human's
and they get this inflammatory cascade
which can make everything shut down

I got "yuppie" vet today
she's all like
blah blah blah

THEN the WHEELS come OFF the BUS

which is a nicely VIVID metaphor

either he will get BETTER
(that's all ME)
or he'll get meh
it'll go all to hell

depending on whether the steroids set off
one of the several issues that they CAN

my old doctor told me
you have to take into account
how they are acting
I think he's having a reaction to the food protein

he's PRONE to inflammation
I think he'll
be better than she predicts

I wish I had Phyllis Diller vet

I get to learn cat shot giving
gotta be easier than giving fluids
which is to do with needles
but then holding them still while the saline goes in

this is just B-12 in the scruff of the neck

I feel like I'm gonna vomit
just from the adrenaline come down