Sunday, January 21, 2024

the dreams were all
tied up with you
I somehow wrote you into
my younger college days

and then
I also wrote in a friend girl
not sure how that relates to you
but it does somehow

I was having them look me up
and they could not find me
because I had two degrees
and somehow
that messed up the search

no no I'm saying
philosophy 91 (fall semester)
psychology 94 (spring semester)

and then something about
a will and paperwork

a bunch of videos of surveillance
images of me in that 23 yr old period

then some more with the friend

the dream ended
or the last thing I remember
I was standing with you in front of the college
side by side
arm around shoulder or waist
an old school station wagon drives up
and you're like
THIS guy is a SPECIAL customer
he buys something every week

and the guy has brought like
Merry pranksters or something
a la kesey
and he had written something he wanted
us all to sing

and then I woke up
with dancing in the dark 
in my head

I'm not sure how to parce that all out yet