Thursday, September 10, 2020

 so i found an adorable paint brand

handmade and all

but, two things

one, i already ordered the paint

two, you don't seem to be able to pick like one thing of paint

and also the format is a little problematical

i did not enjoy the small pan format when i got that kit before

when i was younger i used tubes

and i need a lot of room for mixing

because i mix everything

that's part of the funfor me


i ordered three from daniel smith

quinacridone gold

quinacridone fushsia

sodalite genuine (which i got instead of the payne gray blue that i was originally going to get because it was prettier and has the whole granulation thing going for it + it mixes pretty with other colors)

and three from m. graham

azo yellow (did not specify nickel)

pyrrol red

anthroquinone blue (i have a tendency to get indigo or prussian blue because i think of those as my colors, but they aren't very good inwatercolor)

in fact prussian blue, indian red, and naples yellow were practically my triumverate in oil painting, but the texture of the paint doesn't work well--  very heavy pigment, takes over everything


i had some sort of flashback

to the days of painting past (like the seventies)

and, although i thought i could get by with six paints

i wanted holbein umber and holbein manganese blue

i was like what blue did you used to paint with

because i decided i should probably split the primary for it too

i don't really like ultramarine blue (maybe it's just the ones i've had) it never works right

i don't like cobalt or cerulean either

and thalo (which maybe i like a little better) has the same take over problem

they don't make real manganese blue any more

the process is apparently toxic

the manganese "blue nova" from holbein is apparently made with thalo blue

but whatever, it looks right, and i'm okay with it not granulating

i don't remember the granulation stuff anyway

i probably was using acrylic

it's not completely transparent--  which i didn't notice when i ordered it

but whatever

also i never knew holbein was from japan--  guess i never read the label

umber by holbein is a transparent raw umber--  neutral brown

not to say that all raw umbers are neutral browns

 they are all over the map

but it's a soft, lightly pigmented brown that blends really well

i kinda want daniel smith's transparent red oxide

which i can make a case for


i kinda want schmincke vermillion red light

which i can make less of a case for


several things that are just super pretty and i'm used to having them

like i usually have a mars violet

and i usually have a rose madder

mars violet is another one of those heavy earth pigments

that don't play well with the whole transparency thing

and rose madder is probably close to quinacridone  fushsia


eight colors is more than enough, probably

it's coming from three different places

the daniel smith is scheduled to be here saturday

but the other places are saying like two weeks

so the paints i will have starting this weekend

they don't really make a primary set

the quinacridone gold and fushsia blend out to make a sort of flesh tone

so they are closer to opposites than a triad

and the blue is near black

so i'm not sure how easy it will be to blend them


whatever the other paints probably won't take that long