Sunday, September 6, 2020

So not a reading
But just to show you cards that I've talked about there's the daughter of arrows one That's the card that tells me that you're going to say something and the seven of roots That's the one with the cicada That's the card in this deck that is that card that keeps being me in different decks and then that work card that's the three of roots which is the three of pentacles which is our card
But it's it's really kind of interesting in this deck and it has little different meaning in their book
one of the things it can mean
More spiritual work to do
I've never ever seen that as a meaning for three of pentacles
However it does have an interesting other aspect in that it's got all the different elements balanced it's got the feather and the arrow and the horn and the roots which is also unusual
But they're trying to emphasize or she's trying to emphasize the spiritual aspect of the roots element which isn't usually in fact emphasized
Pentacles is usually specifically not spiritual it's usually specifically very earthy and grounded and it typically has to do with or I should say it often has to do with for sure earthly things but the pentacles not specifically the three but the pentacles are often tied in with money and stuff like that
so while it's not my favorite three of pentacles from any deck it is pretty cool
And then those other cards are just cards that I think are really well
Father of Roots I just think it's beautiful it's one of my favorite cards in the whole deck but eight of cups departure and ten of arrows finality are just particularly well done versions of those cards eight of cups is often like losing interest in something that you've found important in the past there are variations on that but that's like the simple version but it's turning away from something and this and it has the dragonfly but it's it's not turning away from something it's growing out of it basically I just think it's really beautifully done and then the 10 of arrows is usually ruin
So it's usually a super negative card in a reading it can just mean you know you're done with that give it up but it it can mean just almost like the tower it's a card that you kind of go no often there's a body with like swords in it and it's in a pool of blood and it's just very dramatic but this is a possum and they're all these sword and not swords arrows behind him and then he's kind of holding two so they kind of look like they're going in and he's pretending to be dead and I just think it's so playful it's like rather than being like oh your life is thrown it's more like yep not doing this anymore I just want you to think I'm dead I'm really fine but I'm pretty over it and he's so cute so I just wanted to show you those cuz I think they're particularly attractive cards from this deck