Saturday, September 26, 2020

Well I'm sort of awake
I slept really deeply hard
But not well
I woke up three or four times a leg cramps that had to walk off
And I dreamed something like a spy story
That somehow incorporated a single pigment story
And my being laid off from work
And these agents that would come and attach themselves to you I mean not like physically but
You'd be walking home from somewhere
And they would just kind of come up to you
Can I just have a few words with you
But sometimes
They'd be driving along the street and they would somehow pull your clothing into the door of the car so you couldn't get away
There were a lot of dark underpasses
But the spy was trying to attach himself to me
I think it was someone I knew personally
Side kind of a strange situation

And then there's some kind of
Time anomaly
I was back in some kind of past news event
Something I had knowledge of
But not firsthand knowledge of
And there was another woman there
And we both knew that we were like witnesses
We were talking to each other
We both saw whatever it was that people from our current time didn't realize about the event
But I don't think we interpreted it the same

Anyway it was very involved
And I'm exhausted
Like I don't know if you've ever had a dream where you were running around and doing things and working
and then when you woke up in the morning it was like you had really done all those things and you were exhausted
I don't know if you had that experience
But that's what it was like
I am super duper congested this morning

And I don't know if the thing is happening today
I got the impression that it wasn't
But I can't run down the stairs immediately and check it so if it is I'm probably going to miss it

Good morning sweetheart
I love you