Tuesday, September 8, 2020

So I was just reading a thing
About how
Since Democrats are voting by mail
And Republicans are voting supposedly in person
That there may be a long period of time during which it looks like Trump is winning
And I personally have heard him say many many times even though I'm not going to his rallies and I'm not looking for this kind of information from him so I've heard it in the general media I guess or social media
I've heard him say many many times that the only way he can lose is if there's foul play basically
And he said that last time
And he was actually the one doing the foul play but you know he has that projection thing he does and then also he was priming for telling his base basically oh well we were robbed right

And I thought about it and when I did that reading I was asking you know who was going to win and what was going to happen was he going to try to stay in power by any means necessary or whatever

But it didn't specifically ask about the voting part you know like what's it going to be like at the voting booth and what's it going to be like in the you know counting I wasn't asking specifically for that situation and so I went ahead and did another reading on that

And it was consistent I mean it's basically like
basically it was like he's going to realize that his ass wrote a check that he couldn't cash
Feel like I'm getting that wrong
Well whatever He's going to realize that the jig is up and that he doesn't have all the power that he thought he had
And then and then it's the world with the queen of feathers on top and the empress on the bottom and that's all about that feminine energy and you know change and entering a new world and crap
And then there was growth and altruism and Like higher perspective higher ground so I mean even though it's another reading it was very clear and very consistent with the other reading and didn't even need as many cards to say it this time because it was a much simpler question I guess

Anyway I guess we'll find out soon enough
I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier
But I was very confused
Anyway I'm just going to assume it wasn't bad

I'm going to bed now
I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹