Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Dreamed about a movie theater
But it was far away
So to get there you had to drive down this long highway
I can't remember how long
And there was a bunch of stuff I don't remember
But at the movie theater there was like this tradition
there was some really old movie that was like a short movie
And you pay your money and you do this whole like wind up routine where you have to do it a particular way cuz it's a tradition and plus that's the way it works without messing anything up and then you get to see this movie
So there's this whole physical procedural tradition and then you watch the movie
I hadn't done it in a really long time
So I was very excited
but then there was the sky who I knew that was there was from someplace else
and I don't know if I knew he was going to be there or if it was a surprise to me that he was there I'm not clear
But he had never done this whole thing
And he wasn't too sure he wanted to after I was telling him about it
And I'm like you know it's only $2
And he's like well I only have the $17 that I brought for the film
And I'm like man I will pay your $2 so you could do this whole thing
and then I was showing him how to do the wind up thing and
I don't remember what the film was about it was some historical thing I think
I wish I could remember more

I didn't want to do it before I came downstairs just in case there was something going on
So I'm super tired
I would have slept longer
But maybe this will get me back on a slightly more regular schedule which is probably a good thing