Sunday, September 6, 2020

And then there are a bunch of cards that I really really like in the stack but the lovers card I really like that it's like two people that you can't really tell where one starts and the other stops I really like that and then there's that kind of watercolor mark through the center of them that looks like it could be a Chinese or a Japanese symbol I don't know that it is there's not any mention of that in the book so I suspect that it isn't but it looks like it could be and then there's the the red going around and around which gives me this sense like there's movement like they're in their own kind of encapsulated universe almost I very much get this sense of the description I have in my mind of of birds mating where they I don't know they're all birds make this way in fact I haven't actually fact checked I don't know any birds mate this way but but I have this description of eagles meeting and they fly and they join together and then they are not flying while they're mating and so they're falling and you know I get that very I get that image from this like they're swirling around and falling through not even the air more like time and space it's it's pretty cosmic
And then the star is so different from any star card I've ever seen before with the little astronaut and at first I was like oh I don't know if I like that or not because you know it's got that kind of idea like you're floating in space and you're you know maybe that's a dangerous thing maybe that's bad maybe you don't want to be floating in space and the star is supposed to be a really positive card about hope and stuff Hope and and/or but then I thought about it because I really am drawn to it I really like it so I didn't want it to be a negative
which is perhaps not the best way to go about things to decide that you like them and therefore they have to be good but but there's just this real sense of like you know the cord still seems to be connected so there's no particular reason to to say that there's danger you know it could be dangerous but you know it appears as though they're still tethered so probably they're fine but that idea of just floating weightless and that amazing whatever that is you know not just the stars but like nebula or something so it's like you're out floating free and you're seeing the most incredible thing that you could never have imagined but it's real it's just space you know so I really like that card
And then the four of wands it's almost like in this deck it's almost like she started out doing a pips deck but then decided not to and the wands are fairly pippy
Three of pentacles is also fairly pippy but the four of wands which usually has you know something that appears to be a ceremony look slightly like a like a wedding or you know something like that it's often depicted in that way but this is like you know there's the four wands and they're in that kind of shape but then there's this like energetic geometry like you've just got these four sticks but you're building some kind of cosmic structure and I just I don't know it seems cool to me
I'm not going to post all the pictures of all the cards I like That's just silly
But the two of cups which is usually a card that's about you know love has at least two hands and they're doing like a pinky swear thing with two lotuses and I just think it's really sweet and it you know it's more about intimacy and connection than specifically about love
and the six of wands is usually you know kind of like victory so you know traditionally there's like a guy on a horse with a staff raised like yay I'm coming back from battle or some crap like that but on this one it's got the six staffs just like the tops of them showing and they've got these beautiful yellow flowers on them and they're pointing up at a big circular rainbow around the sun and it just has this kind of more kind of group harmony feeling to it then you know returning from battle so I really like that the two of pentacles has two oranges well they look like oranges with stars five pointed stars drawn on them and then there's all these like yellow flowers kind of twisting around them and hands just hands that are reaching up and doing kind of like a little wiggly magic trick thing so it's more like magic then oh I'm just juggling some s*** you know so I don't know it has a a really sweet feel to it and then like I mentioned before the five swords has those rings with the swords on them so it's like you know you need to be careful because you could hurt yourself or you could hurt somebody else but you know you're you know potentially dangerous and then the eight of pentacles which is often about mastery of traditionally like a craftsman skill it's got like a monk reading books so it's and the pentacles are on four of four of them are on the books and three of them are like floating in the air around his head and then one of them is like on his chest and you can't see his face he's just reading a book I think that's an interesting take on it and then the magician has eight arms but not really the the way it's drawn there's this kind of sense that he's moving his hands so quickly that you are seeing different movements but you could read it as like one of those multi-armed gods also which is cool and he's got six it looks like he's juggling six balls and he's got a wand in one hand and then he's doing like the shell game with cups on the table so it's like kind of a blending of the idea of magician so like maybe he does magic tricks or maybe he really does magic or maybe he's just quicker than everybody else and so he can make it appear as though he's doing magic you know I don't know I I really like it it's really cool

and I don't know how much you know about tarot decks generally I mean like why would you have multiple tarot decks but I feel like when you have sometimes different kinds of questions you need different kinds of decks or if you have the same question and you ask it to different decks they have different personalities they give you different answers it's like asking different friends for advice you know it's not like one of them necessarily is going to give you the answer but in fact none of them might give you the answer but they all give you information that comes from different perspectives yeah that's what I mean

so this was a lot and I don't know if this was interesting and I was going to do a reading but then I didn't do a reading I decided that I wanted to talk about the decks so I hope that was interesting