Monday, September 7, 2020

Okay so the negative cards that we had were the hermit and the tower and the eight of swords and Herman isn't exactly a negative card it just didn't fit in anywhere with the other things The hermit is kind of about introspection and carrying your own light and the tower is about sudden transformative change
That might be for your best interest but is usually difficult and people usually see the tower as a very bad card eight of swords is interference it's basically feeling like you're trapped or that what you want to do is being interfered with in your unable to move so then I pulled these other cards

So with the hermit I got the star and the hanged man and the hanged man is about stopping and looking at things from a different perspective it's about I mean the the image is pretty clear You're hanging upside down and you can't go anywhere or do anything so it can be a peaceful meditative experience or it can be less pleasant but it's definitely a different perspective and the star is generally about hope and positive things for the future combination of these cards seems to me it's indicate that there is going to be a very hard look taken at where things have gone wrong and how we can ensure that this does not happen again where someone I mean it doesn't say in the cards where someone completely hijacks all of them or group of someone's completely hijacked all of the checks and balances that are designed to make sure that tyranny does not occur not just a few of them but like all of them so so that looks like it's going to happen and then the tower had the three of wands and the three of cups

Now the three of wands is sometimes seen as being virtue but it is for sure a very stable solid structure of wands which is all about energy and passion and drive and enthusiasm and creativity so you know in this deck with the kind of tripod structure it's it's almost like the four is that kind of creating the celebratory space but this is more like creating the structure to be able to work in creating the structure that will hold things together and the three of cups is usually about celebration and harmony and it's another one that can be seen as you know a wedding or an engagement or a birth but in this case it's just about kind of that kind of love of people friends but then also you've got the rainbow at the top and the characters seem like they're at least of different races and maybe multi-racial so and they've got the little heart tattoos they've all got little heart tattoos so it's like in the context of this reading it seems to be saying that there's going to be some kind of major forward movement in that direction as well

and then with the aid of swords the interference you know if I just had that card in relation to the election I would definitely think oh well you know they're going to try to pull fast one but with all these other cards I mean clearly there has been interference already and will continue to be interference but then with the five of swords which is that kind of like you might hurt yourself or you might hurt others with your pretty little rings and then the lovers which you know is about lovers but it's also about choice and connections and binding things together and so I was like I don't really get it I don't really see how these things connect so I pulled another card which was the 10 of pentacles and the 10 of pentacles is kind of I mean it can be another happily ever after type card but it can also be and is usually more like establishing an estate for your children preparing for future generations legacy right but in this deck they've got it's really cool it's like balancing act it's all about you know the one person with the other person balanced on top of them with the dog on top so it's like and it's like at night and it just rather than being more specifically about some kind of financial situation it seems more to be about the understanding that you know if you're going to build a pyramid you got to have a strong foundation and then you got to have a strong middle part and you've you know I mean in order for and then the dog is I mean he's really kind of sweet and the people don't be sense from them that they're struggling it's like they're just casually in this weird contorted position with the dog on top
And so I guess those things together say to me thatmaybe the interference is multifaceted like maybe there's interference going into the election but then after that maybe there's a sense of people not just casually moving forward with whatever they want to do but stopping and looking at the different ways in which their actions can be harmful to other people and how we're not separate from each other and how we have to have balance
And that the important thing is not to have these people over here who say this and those people over there who say that but the important thing is to have a sense of loyalty to the larger structure of the country

Okay so that's my divinatory reading and I don't see how it is possible at all that that is going to happen

in fact that seems so utopian and filled with hope that I'm going to do a whole nother reading with the other deck because I just don't buy this but that is that's my reading That's it what's so crazy about peace love and happiness