Monday, September 7, 2020

Okay so I decided to do a reading on the election see what it said and I was asking it you know is there going to be peaceful transition of power is 45 going to get reelected or is biden going to get elected and if Biden gets elected is 45 going to leave or is he going to try to stay I was basically asking it all these questions I'm like just give me a kind of a view of what's going to happen

And it was interesting it all kind of lined up there are seven more cards that I pulled so that means I pulled what 16 cards 19 cards I can't count I should probably just pull like two or three more cards but we'll see so they all lined up fours and twos and nines and pentacle court cards then there's a stack of other cards that I'm going to have to reconcile on their own but I'm going to start with this stuff except to say that one of the random cards is the page of swords so I predict you have some sort of a planned communication related to the selection or else if things go badly there will be a communication from you like you know what I'm saying there's a project coming from you that's a communication one where the other and I haven't really read the card s*** so I don't know if it's coming out bad or good but it looks preliminarily like good

So the fours with the emperor and the four of pentacles and the four of wands it's all about power and the four of pentacles is kind of that hoarding grasping energy and then the four of wands is a celebratory energy and and that kind of magical creation of the new space so I think there may in fact be a little bit of trouble but I don't think that the forces of evil are going to prevail and it might even be that the hoarding and grasping close of the pentacles has to do with holding tight to the principles of the country I can't say yet
The twos there's two of pentacles and two of swords and two of cups and again that two of swords with the crossed energy is more like you know no I'm standing my ground you must go no further the two of cups is more about that you know connection between people and the two of pentacles is about change and it's got that kind of a magic so I think that looks like very positive

The nines and also nines are like a completione no not completion but nines are like the fulfillment where 10 sometimes 10 goes over into the it's too much we've got to start a new phase 9 is like the goodness the sweet spot the amazingness and choose are like not the beginning energy but the more kind of stabilizing energy it's the first stage at which there is a concrete action taken maybe is a way to explain it it's not just the thing and it's raw form it's the beginning of like an actionary step so choose and nines are very positive in this reading and then pentacles court cards there's that's all about hard work and dedication rationality it can be like I think I mentioned before it can be about the senses so it it or money it's all very to do with kind of earthiness and the real world as opposed to philosophical or energetic or whatever but King of pentacles is a very all three of these pentacle cards are very stabilizing energies and the the page of pentacles I mean he's making like a piece crane you know what I'm saying and the night of pentacles he's all about like hard work and effort and the king of pentacles is about I mean he's kind of like the the Lion King he's viewing his kingdom all he surveys and he's in I read about this card in the book and it's not that he's I mean I looked at it initially and I'm like that's kind of weird he's like a void but no he's in shadow and what he's looking at is you know like the future and it's bright and clear and focus whereas he is like inside you know kind of like that thing where you're in a oh I'm just getting this this is good like when you're inside a dark room and so what's outside is even brighter and clearer so it's like he's looking out onto the world that is no longer in shadow he's in shadow he's in a shadowy place but he's looking out into a more positive place I mean I don't think the card is intended to have that kind of shadowy meaning but I think for this particular reading I think it's pertinent
And again you know there's not a lot of swords there's not a lot of wands The swords that there are are the the only ones are the two and that card is you know about justice and balance and this particular card has got the like no you shall go no further kind of energy about it and then for wands we only have that four of wands which is about that kind of celebratory positive space being created and the nine of wands which is about this particular one I think is really kind of beautiful because nine of wands is kind of about standing your ground a lot of times it's a final final stand before your battle you know with the idea what kind of like in Henry the 5th you know rallying the troops and but not necessarily about their being other people it's more like an internal like you are preparing yourself for the final onslaught for the final battle right but in this one it's got this very kind of looks like a body you know the ones the eight ones on the side they kind of look like ribs and then there's this one in the middle that's kind of like the spine and there's a broken bone and it's all tied up with this red string which kind of looks like the out makes it kind of look like the outline of a body and there's this kind of vascular energy to it and so I read it as very much internal fortitude you know as opposed to anything to do with battles even it's just you know you're taking the thing that's broken in you and you're binding it up and then nine of pentacles is you know that you know you have everything you need or want monetarily and you know it's the queen in her garden with her falcon and you know it's I mean that's not exactly what's depicted in this card it's she's got the falcon but you don't see the garden but you see that kind of eye above her and I I read it as more like she's on top of it everything is under control and then the nine of cups is the wish card but in this it's got this very you know pink art love love happiness sensuality so it's like you know internal fortitude and top of your game and joy and happiness so I mean I read this as a very positive you know maybe we're saving America kind of thing but now I have to read the cards that were not working out into the grid and see what they have to add to it and I dictated all of this so if there's some wack stuff that doesn't make sense just keep in mind that I have too thick of an accent for this thing