Monday, September 7, 2020

Okay so first the two of cups in the nine of cups we're in the initial reading they were in the initial grid matrix whatever but then in the extra cards there's Ace of cups and ten of cups and the empress who isn't a cup but I think you'll agree that she kind of fits in with this so I'm reading her with these cards so Ace of cups is you know the beginning of the feeling of love and joy and creativity and all that stuff and the ten of cups is you know I know I said that the nine is usually the highest and then the ten is usually moving on to the next thing and that's sort of true with cops but it's less true with cups than it is with the other ones The ten of cups is like the happily ever after card kind of so like nine of cups is the wish card and ten of cups is happily ever after which in this one is a bunch of people you know sitting around a campfire out in the in nature with the stars and then there are these kind of I don't know like intangible cups like the cups aren't concrete they're ghost cups so it's like they're telling ghost stories about all the different feelings and emotions and whatever right and the empress is about creativity and fertility and you know all that kind of stuff so I mean I read this very as a some sort of like you know how we've had this very divided very hateful situation going on and it's just escalated and escalated and escalated but it's been going on for a long time and now it's reached the point where I mean the two different sides don't listen to each other and they demonize each other in a way that is really unhealthy well this is just a lot of love in this and not just like you know friend love or I mean it's justit's just very positive cards to the point where I feel like there's going to be some sort of change and I can't imagine what could bring about this change I mean I can't see how I mean even if Biden is elected and even if the house flipped I mean the Senate flips to Democrat so all the houses are together with the executive branch and even if they all have like a big love fest about you know taking care of people and and loving the world and solving the problems that we have and black lives matter and millennials and zoomers feeling like there's just no point in the political process and not understanding the ideas of compromise and cooperation that go along with American politics or strong arming and whatever
To the point where they would send a letter to Biden saying basically if you don't do everything that we wanted Bernie to do then we won't support you and there are so many people that I hear just going on and on about how they're not going to vote because they're not going to vote for Biden because he's not any different
And I mean I get it but I don't get it because how how could they possibly think that allowing 45 to be re-elected could do anything good or could get even one of the things they want done to be passed so I mean the idea that there could be all these people who are saying if we don't get everything we want then we're not even going to do anything that might get some of the things we want done we're just not going to participate

And I am hearing that
So I don't see how even if the stars align we're moving from this very toxic and negative situation that we're in that isn't just caused by the Trump cult I mean they are making it very difficult but they are not it's not just them it's not just that one group and and when they get out of power everything's going to be all hunky-dory they're all these other issues you know
And I suppose that you could boil them down to a sense of disenfranchisement just kind of across the board I mean I think that even a lot of the people who voted for Trump last time did it because they felt disenfranchised by the political process and they felt like if they had someone who was from the outside that that was going to somehow be better for them than to have someone who had been a career politician

And I initially thought that at least that feeling was kind of a good sign both sides were looking for someone who was not a status quo they were looking for you know Trump or they were looking for Bernie but they were looking for somebody who was going to make fundamental changes
And that isn't how it played out
And certainly there were people in Trump's base who were and are racist you know crazy people but it's not just them it was a coalition of people who felt like maybe they finally had somebody who would do what they had been trying to get people to do for I mean years right

But I don't see how if the stars align that there's just going to magically be a total change where people are valued and loved and the American ideals are upheld and I mean the cards in this reading just represent an awful lot of good loving positive things and system corrections lots of system corrections in the direction of harmony and preservation and peacefulness and love and I find it hard to believe that all of that is going to happen with this transition
But that's what the cards say