Sunday, September 6, 2020

And I thought I was done
But I don't guess I am
The thing that's tricky about tarot
Is that the cards have meaning specific to the card and it varies from deck to deck and system to system but essentially the cards have a meaning
But then you're not just reading the meaning of the card You're looking at it in correlation with other cards
But then you're also getting like an intuitive read off of it
And some people they just look at the cards and they just given into it of read
But I don't like to do that
I mean I might
if there's something that's really catching my attention in a particular card something of the imagery is catching my attention that time as opposed to some other time or something like that fine
But I've been to people who give card readings and it's just like they're not doing a card reading they're just giving some kind of a quote psychic reading end quote
And that's great if they're psychic
But I still feel like the card means something
And so I'm not sure if that's a deficiency in me or strengthen me
I mean for example
That lady I went to that read the cards for me who said that nothing could stop you from loving me I think could dissuade you from loving me
The card she was looking at was four of cups
And four of cups is about not being able to see what you have in front of you
And so the way I am I would have just said that's just ridiculous That's not what that card means
But I had had that previous reading
Where the woman told me about the angels and how I needed to listen to the angels and they were going to be telling me the truth
And I didn't like it when I got that reading because I'm like angels Angels are b*******
But then liter ally that the lady was reading with was the angel to row and most of the imagery on that deck is you know non-traditional because it's one of those lo scarabo
I may not be saying that right an Italian deck brand and they put out lots and lots of decks that are essentially art decks but mass produced art decks that are for different kind of you know like angels and native American and druid and Celtic and whatever but they're mostly for art and playing with and not necessarily great for divination at least in theory
But I felt like that native American Tarot that I had from them was very divinitory I had some amazing readings that I still think about with that deck which is somewhere
But so maybe when I'm looking at the cards I should not keep in mind what the cards mean
Maybe I should just look at them and get the magic
But I feel like it should be a combination
Like if you're trusting the universe to send you the cards you're supposed to get and if you're trusting the deck to talk to you
Then it doesn't seem like you should just be ignoring the cards and thinking s*** up You know what I'm saying
but in the interest of trying to open myself up to just reading cards without having meanings associated with them several months ago I got the the magic Neko deck which is basically a 52 card card deck with pictures of cats I know I talked to you about it when I got it and it had an instruction booklet with it that had meanings for the cards and I found myself looking everything up and so I promptly lost it I mean it's somewhere I didn't throw it away but I don't know where it is I think it's in a box
And I like to but sometimes I ask them questions but sometimes I just kind of go you know how's it going today and lay them out and see what they say and it's not so much about any particular card sometimes it is but mostly it's about kind of the configurations of things give you sort of a feeling except they're just a couple of cards in this deck that creep me out and generally if I get one of those I'd have to stop because I feel like they're very negative even though I don't think they're supposed to be very negative they just say violence to me
So I'm going to do a reading for you now and just see what it says
And the question I'm going to ask it is if anything interesting going to happen for you today