Thursday, September 17, 2020

I dreamed about you
It was a bunch of little like micro situations
The biggest one
You had written this book
I think it was a biography
Of some woman that I don't think I had ever heard of and maybe that was the point
or maybe she was someone that everybody had heard of but didn't know about somehow I'm not sure that it's all very sketchy at this point but it was so clear in the dream
In the book it was like he was bound in some kind of weird creative way where you had to like tear off this stripped open up the the book
Wasn't a super long book
But it worked really well
It was all like super innovative and avant-garde

Also you had two children a boy and a girl and they were both younger
But there was something that I can't remember what some situation where you were very worried about them all the time
And we knew each other
In our relationship was kind of complicated
and like I said they were all these little bitty situational and conversational elements
But I don't have any sort of overarching what it was about
I was worried about you
You didn't seem happy

Oh I had almost forgotten this
I was at this I don't even want to call with a coffee shop it was like a coffee kiosk almost
it was like a restaurant but you walked up to it kind of like a mall situation only it wasn't in a mall I don't think I think it was outside
And I I don't know if I ate I think I must have eaten but I don't remember anything about what I ate
And then you were meeting me there
But you had someplace else you needed to go I think I don't know if you ate I don't think you did I think you were just meeting me there
And we got coffee
And the I think it was a it was a guy waiter but not waiter because it wasn't behind a counter
He was asking me if I wanted to get dessert
They had this thing he called Christmas pie
And I don't know what that was but in the dream I seem to have some vague idea what it might be although I don't think it was something I had had I think it was like something I was interested in having
And I was like well I think we're going somewhere I don't think I have time to sit here and have dessert right now but I will definitely keep it in mind
And so the first thing we did was we walked over to this table
And it was just some kind of cheap restaurant type table but it was sitting outside in the dark and I think it was connected to this kiosk thing
And we were both leaving tips
And so I saw actual bills like fooling money which I haven't seen for a while
It was kind of startling
But I'm making the stack of monies 10 and a 5 and like 4 ones
and you're doing your stack of money and we're kind of competing to see if you could do it faster
And we're leaving it for this waitress I don't know why I don't know what that was all about but it was important that we tip her
And then we wandered out from there
And we met up with your kids
And they were different
I mean obviously the boy was different because you don't have a boy but the girl was different too
And I got this since that they knew me already
I just can't remember
But there was something very worrying about the situation
I cannot remember
Was like some sort of danger
Some sort of very fundamental uncertainty
And I didn't have anything to do with me specifically it wasn't like I was causing some kind of danger or uncertainty
A danger and uncertainty was in the world but it was specifically something you were worried about
And so I was worried about you
but then I was very fundamentally uncertain about like my place in this whole situation
I didn't really have any power to fix whatever it was that you were worried about

And I don't really know what our situation was
On the one hand it seemed to be more like in the real world
But then on the other hand not really

And I can't remember like really any details that would be useful although it seemed like it went on for a long time and there was a lot of it

Anyway I just woke up and I tried to get this down as quickly as I could before it all disappeared
But now I really have to pee