Monday, September 28, 2020

I might be having another one of those cold flash things
and actually I might have had one the other day too not quite as bad as the other one but it's like 79° according to my phone
The AC is on but it's not running much cuz it said it about 74 75 something like that
I have a fan on and normally it rotates which I'm much prefer I don't really like it to be blowing on me the whole time but the rotator thing is broken so it's blowing straight at me
But I mean it's been like that all day and I am uncomfortably cold
I mean like I'm thinking oh I'm so cold I need to put on a sweater but it just can't be that cold

Anyway I got to say
I'd rather have cold slashes than hot flashes
Because I mean Jesus
There's only so hot you can get
Without passing out or something
But I got to say this is weird

I love you sweetheart
Good night