Sunday, September 6, 2020

now here's a different deck in fact this is a deck that I said I wasn't going to buy but then I did anyway and I really really like it these are not the same three cards because the center one is different but this is the eight of cups same card but a different aspect so in this one rather than it being like emphasis on you know growth and moving and this one it's about that kind of angst You know like how when a woman has a breakup and they cut off their hair or whatever or you just want to be a different person and so you're you cut off your hair it's but it's just so clear what the card is talking about maybe maybe it's not as clear to a man I don't know but I mean I think but it deeply resonates much much more than like a rider waite Guy looking pensive would you know
And the 10 of swords in this is a lot more like the traditional ten of swords only when I look at this I don't see swords I see acupuncture needles and there's not any blood he's not in a pool of blood so I mean a lot of people look at this and they see traditional representation but I look at it and I see you know you're going to take the experience that this has given you and it's going to heal you and you're going to move past whatever the illness was of the too much so I think that's a cool representation of the card as well
And then the night of swords it's not the father of roots That's the king of pentacles but the night of swords is very dynamic but very mental so that guy that I took the Tarot class from his archetype that he used with Spock
So like knight of swords is Spock and knight of wands would be Kirk and night of cups would I guess by extension beBones except not really
But you get the idea
And what I think is so cool about this character is you know he's got the sword brought up to his head like some kind of meditation with the sword but he's got that butterfly so on the one hand he looks very kind of alien antennae whatever but also possibly while he was meditating the butterfly or moth or whatever flew up to his head and he just sliced it in two without looking at it so it's for me a very interesting card because it's got kind of that duality to it is that butterfly a butterfly he cut in half with his great skill with his sword that he could do that just from the sound of the butterfly he could cut it in half perfectly or is he kind of an alien you know I am I just really like it