Monday, September 7, 2020

Okay so I would say this more or less completely verifies that other reading we've got the chariot which represents will but in this deck not necessarily very directed will we've got the hierophant that in this deck represents a connection with sort of a universal spirituality in the book she talks about the hierophant being a specific priest in ancient Greece who kind of presided over the ceremonies of Demeter and it wasn't really about him it was about her or the cycles of essentially the things that were involved in sustaining life for the community food and whatnot 
But then the hierophant became a position that was essentially representative of the Pope energy but now in this deck this card is kind of moving past that into some sort of a universal spiritual consciousness represented by the characters in the book that are you know native summer native American and some are from major world religions but the idea is there's this will that needs a direction and then there's a universal spirituality and then the sun I know I've mentioned that the sun is a super duper positive card but in this deck it's represented by these birds which are the first birds that emerge in the spring and they become more and more yellow I wasn't clear exactly why but it has to do with the the warmth and the sun and whatever and then it has the sunflowers that always turn so they can follow the sun and get as much light as possible so I mean this combination is kind of like you know a turn from the chaos to the light
That's what I'm going with a turn from the chaos to the light

and then in the center column we've got you know joy again which is Ace of cups which showed up in the other reading as well and then we've got six of cups which in some decks can represent a kind of nostalgia for the past but in this deck specifically does not so go with me here You could really look at it like you know the the people who are great again they have this the people who aren't that as a dog whistle for slavery times right The people who are make America great again who are thinking of it in what I think the majority of people thought of it in Reagan times was this idea that there was a point in the past that never I don't believe but they're nostalgic for it this time when everything wasGood and true and just in the American way and everybody was prosperous and blah blah blah
I maintain that what they're remembering is something that never existed truly
It may have existed at different points for small groups of people within the community but it tends to get generalized into this magic time where it was just all beautiful and wonderful after you know we came back from world war II and the economy was booming and everybody could finally buy things after they had been deprived during the depression and they had been deprived during the war and now suddenly everything was roses
Well I mean
And whatever
And you could tie that kind of you know yearning nostalgia for simpler times when things were all good that maybe didn't ever really exist that the 6th of cups cards represents in other decks
But this one kind of turns away from that and says no there's a very fundamental quality that is not just true among people but it's true among animals it's true among all creatures that there's a certain necessity for just play and happiness and not having any of that sort of looking for something that happened in the past but is very much about being in the now in a positive way

And then there's Joy which I think I mentioned is the same as the Ace of cups which was in the previous reading and also I think I talked about Joy in a previous reading that I did but with happiness and joy and fulfillment I mean I don't think it could get a whole lot clearer and the fulfillment in this deck is about Caribou making this long track across this kind of dangerous river and some of them will make it and some of them will not make it but it's part of their migration and this caribou is on the bank and he's dripping water into these cups and it's like fulfillment in the sense that he has accomplished this thing that he needed to accomplish to survive and you know there's the geese and of course nine of cups is the wish card which was also in the previous reading 

and then we have the seven of roots which is the seven of pentacles which is all about growth and cycles but it's also in this debt got a part to it where people are frightened of the cicadas when they come out they think they're locusts and they're going to destroy everything and eat all the crops and they think it's crisis and plague and bad things coming to get us but in point of fact none of that stuff happens the locusts come out and they go up in the trees and they do their thing and then you know there's they sing their songs and there are the dried out skins that they shed that are left all over the ground but they've had this long cycle that they've gone through and crawled their way up out of the dirt and done their thing and then that's all over and it's on to the next 17-year cycle so that takes into account a lot of you know that hysteria and growth and whatever so I think that's fairly reinforcing of the message of the other one also

and then mother of horns we've mentioned that before that she's all tied in with creativity being an important and essential part of life with her paintbrushes or flowers that look like paint brushes and her flutes and the turtles and everything it's just really pretty and good

And then daughter of feathers ties in with that Hopimythology again with there being multiple worlds like one ends and another one starts and remember the ants were protecting them well when they came out when it was safe to come out they didn't have any food and so this bird some kind of swallow brings them part of an ear of corn that they can plant and start their food supply up again so it's it's got to do with that rebuilding the world after the destruction of the world kind of energy so I mean that all seems very much to support and reinforce previous reading and there are just a few other cards that didn't fit in with that and I will be right back with those