Tuesday, March 31, 2020

nite chat: 4:1

my chest was hurting today
and i'm all like
omg, the rona got my heart
but then i'm like shut up fool
you haven't worn a bra for like four or five days
your muscles are probably just sore
and i've had a bra on
since like 4:30 this afternoon
and viola no more chest pain
it is a little tight
but i can't tell that that's any reason for concern
i can breathe
maybe i'll sleep in the bra
i hate bras

i couldn't really focus today

i keep thinking about john prine
i wanted to pray for him
but i wasn't sure what to say

ok god, i said
i'm not sure what's best for him
i guess it depends on a lot of circumstances
that i don't know anything about
i don't want him to die
the idea of him dying makes me
just really sad
and i know he's lived a long life
he's got more to contribute to the world

god's not talking to me about that

i hope you are doing ok
the trip out to the grocery pick up
was more than enough outside for me today
i might need to go for a walk
i just can't focus
i've got to get the anxiety under control


that's what i'm up to for fairly certain
they're all yellow flowered weeds
sunflower doesn't seem to be medicinal to people
only bees
but the other ones are

i love you very much
goodnight sweetheart