the county shut down all non-essential business
i'm not sure if that was because the city wouldn't
or if that was just to emphasize scope
there are a bunch of little cities
that aren't technically even suburbs or anything
within the city of houston
and they have differing rules
about what houston can tell them
but they're all within the county
so it might be that
or the city might not have been willing
because there has been quite a bit of
houston is open for business
kind of crap
i haven't hear any briefings yet for the day
i have been tooling around on the internet
i'm getting myself more worried
and now the idea of you going out and playing tennis
stuff like that seems too risky
i'm not telling you what to do
you're a grown man
and you need exercise
and whatever
but it worries me
i'm going to pretend you aren't doing that
i'm going to pretend you do p90x or somethin
i'm trying to decide if i should go for a walk again today
there's a really pretty neighborhood if i walk west instead of north
i feel kinda creepy walking through a neighborhood
i mean the walk yesterday was mixed use neighborhood
so some residential apts and townhomes
but lots of businesses too
walking through a little neighborhood of families
with kids playing in the yard and such
doesn't feel right to me
i mean
i guess i could walk up fountainview
but that's a busy street
with no shade cover
and it's almost 90 degrees
that's not gonna be fun
maybe i'll just exercise
i thought it would be great to have two weeks off
i thought
oh i'll take a little vacation first
but it's been not more than five days
and i wish i was working
just from a moving around standpoint
i may look for a virtual museum tour or something
so i can be having the visual stimulus
of walking around, at least
i wish i was in a trailer in marfa
if i'm doing medicine woman stuff
i may need to be in the woods
and i never wanted to live in the woods
the wood seemed more dangerous
because you can't see things comin at ya
so idk
it's all an imaginary exercise right now