Wednesday, March 25, 2020

don't panic: 3/25

I just woke up
I mean I woke up earlier to pee
but I didn't wake up
I just staggered around
now I'm up

I find this alarming

I don't feel right

my head hurts
I feel slightly dizzy
I feel like
it could be a weather change headache
so I'm gonna take my temperature now

is a little warm for me
especially just waking up
but it is hot
and I just have the fan on to save electricity
I'm freaking out a little
probably I'm fine
this is day 5 of no exposure
and so I'm a little twichy

they had to close the parks
they were going to leave them open
but everyone mobbed them
like it was labor day weekend
no more parks

I found osha
rootgirl had it
hiding in a collection of single tinctures
it wasn't really hiding
it said viral tinctures
it might have been new
or I might just not have looked at it
I'm not sure
she sent me a coupon
so I looked over her site again
and there it was osha
so now I feel like I'm gonna have all the medicine
everything I need

I'm feeling better now that I'm up
I'm gonna take a steamy shower
then hopefully do a few minutes of easy
stretchy exercise
and have some coffee and toast

I guess the stress caught up with me
and I didn't set an alarm