Tuesday, July 16, 2024

There was a strange moment.  

I am like a magnet for crazy people generally and so when this older guy wandering the streets--  I mean we are all wandering the streets but something about this guy seems a little more wander-y than most and as he approached me that is the context that I thought was the right interpretation.

But as he walked up to me talking in mumbles what he actually said was are you feeling woozy.  He kinda reached out to touch my arm and I kinda jumped from startlement.  There were a few more mumbles before he fixed me with his gaze and spoke a mantra at me.


Which is fine advice generally, but also somehow grounded him in a time and place for me.
SOMEHOW made me feel SEEN by a fellow traveler in the not quite making it as sane community.  It was slightly disorienting but somehow also deeply satisfying.