Sunday, July 28, 2024

There have been so many people through here and only one of all the nurses and doctors and other personnel has been white--  it wasn't exactly a racist statement but I wasn't sure how else to process it.  I thought back from walking in the front door.  It was impossible.  I just don't count.  Maybe no one I encountered working here was white, certainly no one white had stood out enough for me to specify remember them.  There was a woman who had either been rude--  or deaf, or wearing headphones I couldn't see--  was she white, no.  There had been a man I asked directions who had seemed like he might be starting to be specifically unhelpful and then turned friendly at the last minute, also not white.  There was the man at the information desk who gave me a very serious look--  though not as serious as when I was visiting during COVID--  and then was simple and clear with his directions, also not white.  There was the nurse at the nursing station, not white either.  Maybe she was right, but I was uncomfortable with the statement anyway.

She tells me AGAIN how Bob's nephew when to school to become a nurse and then a few years later quit doing that and became a repo man.  When I asked her why she was telling me that again she said maybe minorities are less likely to leave a good paying job.

Yes, I say, maybe whites are soft and lazy.  But I think that most people who go into nursing want to help people, do you know if that's why he went into nursing or did he just think it was a good paying job.  Nursing is a hard job, I don't think I could do it.  AND remember Bob had an adversarial relationship at his work and they were always trying to get rid of him, maybe David had something similar.

We were talking about politics and she's like, well all the minorities will vote for the minority so she should win because whites are the minority.

Is that true, though, that whites are the minority--  I don't think it is and even if it is, what I hear is white fear.

Well, the Democrats have a problem with Hispanics because the Democrats tend to address them as a monolith which they are not, so I think that is not a forgone conclusion.  Black women I think are pretty definitely backing her.  There is an attempt to paint her as someone who put a lot of black men in prison which is it gets traction may affect those numbers, but there was a black men's zoom call so I'm preliminarily saying probably she's got black men.  I was very happy to hear about the white women's zoom call because black women can't always count on white women--  they're kinda fairweather, ya know.  Like white women came out to match for BLM, but then sort of lost interest--  I think it had more to do with the need for a cathartic moment.

You mean everybody just wanted to go outside.

No.  I mean the country was in chaos and everyone was scared and they needed to feel like they were doing something to make things better, but after that was over they didn't maintain interest in Black Lives Matter.

There was something she said, and I wish I could remember what because I said no, I'm sure if that had happened I would have spoken up.  She was shocked.  You would have been shot.  Do you really believe that a cop would shoot me for saying something.  If you see something and you don't say something then you are complicit.
