Friday, July 12, 2024

AND I feel like I should CLARIFY-- I'm NOT saying that I never hurt anyone's feelings, I absolutely do, but I'm not doing it on purpose and I feel bad about it.  Sometimes I try to correct it and sometimes I don't, depending.  My personality type is supposed to lean towards people-pleasing, but the consensus seems to be that I lean BLUNT.  I used to have people following me around that I didn't like, in fact, sometimes disliked intensely, who thought we were friends.  My assessment of the situation was that I was nicer to them than their "other" friends, so I rethought my behavior.  I think it's more beneficial to have someone who you can count on to tell you what you need to hear, rather than just blowing smoke up your ass, and other personality factors, I'm sure.  But I skew blunt.  Therapist picked up on it pretty quickly.

I think he lumps it in with being "authentic" which he keeps telling me I am, but it feels a little buzz-word to me, and how would he actually know that I'm like this with everyone else-- I mean, I think I am, but how would he know.