I saw Carter Sampson at a song swap-- I decided to prioritize song swaps since I couldn't handle much inside/people/sound and that allowed me the largest exposure to different musicians-- and she said she had a booth selling vintage clothing in the pastures of plenty. I knew as soon as she said that that I was gonna see her and her big red glasses again. I did force myself to the pasture on the last night and I really didn't need to be that afraid-- it was very manageable crowd-wise. I found her booth, didn't initially find anything that looked like it would fit me. I looked at everything else and circled back. We chatted. I found a hand crocheted vest in a beautiful crimson color which may or may not look good with my coloring and a lino-cut print she did with a line from one her songs-- I do all the heavy lifting on my own. I tell her it's my first year but...
"A lot of us think of this as kinda a family reunion," she says looking at me through her big red glasses and smiling.
"YES," I say, completely understanding.