Sunday, February 4, 2024

I vibed the POSITIVE
I had a GOOD time

I got to tell SONNY who
I'm pretty sure has cancer BUT
we don't actually KNOW

I got to TELL her
I had SEEN her work out in the WORLD
& I was happy to see it
& it was BEAUTIFUL
she LOOKS good
& I haven't wanted to keep asking her
HOW she's doing because I KNOW
that's a drag BUT I've been low key WORRIED
about her & I CARE
I'm so so glad she didn't get COVID

& if ALL I had done TODAY
was to make her FEEL better*
that woulda been a GOOD day

BUT I also got to tell Melinda
I love her work

I talked to EVERYONE**

I MET a really nice woman with an Instagram I'm now following

I MET a really nice woman who I ALREADY
knew of because like THREE people
had told me they KNEW
about the open studio
because MELISSA told them

she lived in LOS ANGELES
she wrote about the ARTS
reviews or events
but her mom is OLD so she moved back home

she has this thing she does
SEEMS very LA to me
but it's probably just good NETWORKING
she takes PICTURES
TEXTS them to you
but I got HER number now too

ALTON was walking through
just at that MOMENT
& slid into the conversation

no after party
almost everyone snuck out EARLY
and I was driving anyway

Justin makes a GOOD mimosa
HHC is an introvert's best friend

the weird thing is
at the end of the day
making my last spin through 
I got some song I'm not sure of the name
stuck in my head
I like the musical hook

I gotta look it up
hang on
f*CK does THAT mean

it's METALLICA enter sandman

well it felt HAPPY 
it was JUST that little SAMPLE in my head

*that did seem to be the case
**this is probably not technically true but it is true essentially basically pretty much