I'm pretty sure she had had sex before
I know I knew at the time
BUT now
I'm not so sure
I think it was right after
I graduated
BUT now
again I'm a little sketchy
I wasn't exactly
STORING the memory
it was dark enough in the room
that I really couldn't see
she was bucking around enough
that it was difficult to keep to the like
& although I have the equipment
there's a lot of variation
& I was never looking at what I was doing
to myself
it's not like I thought I was doing a GREAT job
BUT her feedback later
I'm pretty sure
& I was pretty sure at the time too
that she was just feeling really weird
and thought she'd SHARE
her discomfort with
the whole girly thing by making me feel bad
WHAT she said was
you were terrible, you had
no idea
what you were doing
WELL no shit
she KNEW that was my FIRST time
not having sex
robert had already been doing his thing
but with a girl
first time