Thursday, November 12, 2020

how it's going

 i can't get her to take anything out

i've given up on that

i'm hanging them

so they make each other look better


now we're making the bad ones good

at least to the best of my ability

the water lily

the flower was great

but the whole rest of the picture

was these hideous greeny orange lily pads

we've also been working on her artist statement

and she wrote these really awful things

maybe not as cringe worthy as creativity catalyst

[which she stole btw]

but these things that seem so separate from the person i think i know


i started asking her about things she wrote in them

either because i wanted to get at something

or because i didn't think they were true

the main "finished" one

[i'm supposed to re-write of course]

is way to aw shucks

and spends more time talking about how she has

enough boxes of old lace to "wrap her house in"

than about painting


she mentioned painting on the floor of her dorm room

in college

tell me about that, i say

i painted on the floor of my dorm room

so i wouldn't get the furniture messed up, she said

no no, i argued

the stories you've told me about rice were that it was hard

you were stressed that you wouldn't pass the higher level math classes

so you added the german major so you'd be sure to graduate

under all that stress and time pressure

what made you turn to painting

i thought it'd be fun, she said

that was all i pry out of her

and i did come at it from several angles


you've been a working artist for like forty years

you had at one point three galleries at once

you are one of only two people who was president of the watercolor society twice

and you're writing an artist statement that makes you sound like you were a housewife who just woke up and realized she was a creative person and something about being an old lace conceptual sculptor and i'm confused--  how is this you?

i think artist statements are made-up bullshit that always sound disengenuous

so that's what you wrote?  a bullshit disengenuous artist statement?

ok, fine, pull out that other one

[i should maybe mention that the first one was written out in very artistic handwriting, apparently by some mentor-y woman who does some kind of art poetry thing]

this other one was about driving around texas as a child with her parents

and how everything changes but the landscapes

but these don't really seem like texas landscapes, so much

no, she says, they all come out of my head

ok, well, i'm gonna give this one a hard pass too, i say

she doesn't seem to have anything to say

it just all comes with a mysterious unawareness from deep within

i can't tell what motivates or inspires her

but she's told me like fifty seven times about her experience during the quarantine with a dragonfly that came by every day which reminds me of my experiences with mr. sluggo

and that ties in with her deep inner whatever

so i'm trying to work up branding with that theme

it hasn't quite jelled yet