Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 good morning sweetheart

how are you doing today?

i'm waiting for her to call--  appt was 10:30


first appt and whatnot, but it also occurs to me that i'm not sure there's anything for me to be hearing yet

they think she has sleep apnea and she has to be tested for it

not something they can do in the office today

so it may all just be asking her questions and physical exam

and scheduling

might not be anything to see here

i'm still, or again, really, having nausea

i looked it up

it can be an early sign of covid


i don't think it is

i still think some kind of hormonal thing is more likely

and that is what it feels like today

so she called

he lungs sound good

he doesn't think there's enough evidence for apnea

to be worth sending her to a test at this particular moment

she's using an oxygen concentrator when she sleeps

he wants her to continue with that

i feel a little dizzy

i'm going to go lie down, i think

i'm drinking some emergen-C

i love you