Thursday, November 26, 2020

Yeah he didn't eat it
He didn't eat the food I gave him last time that I doctored up and I don't think he's going to eat the food that I just gave him that wasn't doctored up

I saw this video I don't remember where I saw it but this woman she has a cat and she has these little things that he can step on that say words so like she's like actually I think it might be a girl cat because I think it might have a girl name I don't know anyway she's like what does whatever the cat's name is what does kitty want and the cat goes over and it like steps on this little button and it says like food food food
And she's like it's not time for food now and the cat goes over and steps on this other little button and it says mad mad mad mad
And she's like oh I'm sorry you're mad is there anything else I can give you you know and the cat walks over and steps on another one and it says something like pets you know or whatever
And in general I'm not sure I want the cat to talk to me because I already feel like he's talking to me pretty much all the time anyway and that there's really a very small percentage of things that he's unable to communicate clearly about and I suspect that the things he's unable to communicate clearly about are more of a passive aggressive thing to keep me guessing and wondering then it is really his inability to communicate what he wants but the whole you know I want half of the food this way and half of the food that way and I'm going to alter which part I want first in a way that's difficult to deal with or he wants food so I get up and give him food and then he comes back and he wants something and I'm like you know what do you want kitty take me to the thing that you want you know and so he's like oh and he walks me over to where his nipples he has this very elaborate he has his dish that his nip is in and it was a plastic dish actually that i got from the neighbors they like brought it back for me from a trip or something but Kitty he gets this chin acne so he had to have all like I had a water fountain for cats that I had had from bus and I had to get a special new one for him that ceramic because he couldn't use the plastic one and he eats out of you know China dishes because he can't he can't eat out of plastic ones because he gets this horrible chin acne and so he has this black spot that like comes and goes from his lip and I hadn't really connected it to the chin acne cuz it's not on his chin it's on his lip
But it's back and now his lip is all swollen cuz he's he's super he's got super sensitive skin He's a ginger right and so it occurred to me after I mean years that his nip tray is plastic because he doesn't always eat the nip You know usually I put the nip in the tray and he kind of sniffs it a little bit and then he has his very elaborate thing that he does where he covers it up and he has all this tissue paper and butcher paper and you know this collection of paper whenever I go any place where I get paper so it's looking a little ratty cuz I haven't really been going any place but typically like you know when I would get a package or I would come back from a trip or something I would bring him some new paper and I would switch it out and he he takes it and he like very elaborately buries this nip tray but lately he's been eating the nip and I think that that's what's causing his lip to be black and swell up that it's like skinny irritation it just isn't the same chin at me stuff that he was getting so I have this plate that I have from a trip the same I don't remember which trip it was it was a trip where I had a bad attitude about something I guess because I got a mug that says whatever and I got this plate that says like go ahead and take my advice I'm not using it or something like that
But it's black and it's ceramic and it looks like it's written in chalk it's real cute so I set that up for him and you know he wasn't typically using his nip as a station you know he would just periodically be by his nip and I would go do you want some fresh nip but now he's like leading me there like it's a station like I have to get up specifically from what I'm doing to go give him nip like I have to get up to go give him food or I have to get up to go let him out so it's like he's trying to put me through my paces you know it's funny he's getting me all trained up

I am remarkably hard to train
It has taken him so long to get to the point where I understand that if he starts eating his food and he eats about half of it and then he goes and sits in the kitchen window that I am supposed to understand I mean I guess I'm supposed to stay there and watch him until he finishes every bite of his food which I don't very often do but I'm supposed to understand that what that means is that I need to doctor the second half of it so he can finish eating it
And he's so proud of me because I finally learned this but it didn't help him all that much because I still don't stand there and watch him so you know if he's getting fed because I'm in the kitchen making coffee or something well that works out for him but if he's hungry and I just feed him I mostly just watch to see that he is starting to eat it and then I assume that however it is is fine for the whole serving which is after all not more than a half of a very small can that really shouldn't need to be you know blue buffalo limited ingredient potato and fish serve two ways

I can't remember now did I say that I couldn't find where he threw up I was sure I heard him throwing up but I can't find it so it's probably somewhere that I just didn't see because it was dark or I don't know I will find it when I step in it that tends to be what happens but just walking through I don't see it
maybe he didn't maybe he just hacked and choked and didn't actually bring anything up I don't know