Friday, November 20, 2020

All right I'm going to have to go to sleep
My mother has a bunch of stuff to do related to Shirley's move and some stuff she needs to order and do and set up so I'm not going to the studio tomorrow I'm going to go Saturday instead I've got a few a few things I'm going to be doing online for her but I'm going to do them from home

I'm going to go to the grocery store hopefully pretty early in the morning well like 9:30 or 10:00
I'm going to get a turkey
I don't know whether she's going to want to work a day after Thanksgiving or not I think the plan is to try to be in the studio Monday Wednesday and Friday now
With Saturday is like an alternate or an add-on
So maybe
Maybe I can get that Friday off

I want to do another reading but I haven't had a lot of luck when I've tried
And I'm trying to figure out the best question to ask because I already asked about the election and I already got an answer so I'm not really supposed to ask that same question again but I'm feeling like we need a reading
And I already did a reading for you that said everything was going to go great for you where you are and I can only assume that that means that you know ask and answered on that too
But if I ask a question for me I don't feel like I'm going to get a good answer cuz it doesn't like to answer me but I feel

A weird way
Not like I felt earlier in the pandemic
And I assume that is from the enormous amount of time I've been spending with my mother
But also the stress I have about us
But now this sort of
I don't know mental uncertainty that I'm having within myself
I feel sort of blocked and stifled but then I also feel kind of like I'm being stretched and expanded I'm just not really sure what's going on

And I want very much to do something to make you happy but I'm not entirely certain what to do

Can I just keep kind of zoning out

And I just feel like I need to do a reading maybe you would enjoy that

Okay the first three cards are the 10 of cups overflowing justice and the nine of cups fulfillment and the tin of cups is talking about just experiencing joy in life and not asking questions about how you got to the joy and what the what the structure and the meaning and everything behind it is just accept it and live in the moment which is kind of an unusual reading of that card Justice is even stranger kind of it's talking about turkey vultures and how not only are they kind of like a psycho pump figure but that they in actual reality have a very sterilizing quality so according to this book if you rub if you rub yourself with turkey vulture feces you would actually be cleaner than before you did that which I don't understand in reality how that can be but I'm kind of seeing a pattern and the fulfillment is all about you know going through that ordeal crossing the river and coming out on the other side so oh yeah and justice just talking about how you have to know who you are before You can move ahead and so what I'm getting out of that is that this is a process that I have to go through and when I come out of it then I'll be free

Then the second set of cards is the father of roots and the mother of feathers and enchantment father of roots is that starry nosed mole coming out of his burrow and looking up at the stars and having joy of life so there's more joy theme The mother of feathers is that bird where she's sitting there and the male birds are having a big meeting display and she is not real concerned because it's all on her time so when she's ready to mate they'll be a male there and she doesn't need to worry about them at all she's just focused on her pretty red flower and then enchantment is Ace of Roots or Ace of pentacles which is the pure energy of the Earth in this deck so it's again it's all life it's a miracle and gratitude and purple arrowroot sends out its roots and all directions and performs a kind of magic by cleansing the soil around it of industrial waste so again we've got this cleansing image

It's the next row we have the lovers and the magician and the four of roots and the lovers is all about passion and danger and choice and love and relationship and the magician is the beginning of the journey emergence of self-awareness is tied in with Odin and his ravens because this magician is a raven thought memory to basic components of consciousness and it has that banner at the top which is about potential and from a previous reading that had a kind of a katubah energy the four of roots is the card of the introvert it's a time for introspection a time when it's important to armor ourselves and stay away from social activities also hints at a lot going on under the surface of a seemingly calm person but the main energy is preservationwe may find if we take steps to protect ourselves things seem to fall into place as if the world understands our needs so that seems to be about the pandemic but not just the pandemic

Then I had some cards that I thought were somewhat negative The really and truly they're not all negative exactly but I got the tower which I don't think I need to look up but that's about upheaval and radical change and fire and the moon which is about deep psychological and hidden mystery but then I got two cards that have been showing up a lot lately and I can't remember if they've been in any of the readings that I've done for you or not I don't sort of think so but it's the ace of arrows which is truth and the two of arrows which is armistice and I always think of the The Ace of arrows as being a positive card creativity vision and in the magic 8 Ball it was at one point Estelle but in this deck it has sort of a different meaning and it seems sort of less positive to me more problematical

truth honesty reality heightened awareness of the mind the power of your own truth a challenge to look at a situation with complete openness and commitment people or aspects of ourselves that normally we might find challenging or simply avoid bring us harmony due to a commitment to honesty and balance this card might challenge someone to look out or confront some person or aspect of life the quarant has been avoiding

And then the two of swords was us card that was showing up for me a lot before now that I'm thinking about it but in this deck it's armistice and it's got I think it's a wolf and a mountain lion and they're tied together and blindfolded and they both have arrows in them a moment of calm and peace in a tent situation this can literally be between two adversaries or finding peace in yourself during great tension how the people or person use this moment is up to them Will they go back to fighting or will they build upon the armistice for an individual will she or he go back to struggling with life or find a way to tackle problems in a less stressful way and it talks all about the cougar and the gray wolf being wounded and tethered and blindfolded and they walk together in tandem normally they're enemies or at least they compete for territory and prey but they put aside their ancient rivalry to help each otherthinking of the card in terms of a relationship as we can with all twos we might say that people who have been enemies find themselves bound together by a common danger or a joint challenge what will they do if they overcome their problem and how will they manage in the moment

And then the answers were the six of roots and the nine of roots those were the cards that were supposed to bring it all together and make it make sense The six of roots is a card that makes me very uncomfortable it's got this rabbit and the snake and it's based on some folk talemost cards in the deck derive from the lives of plants and animals The 6th of root derives from a creation story Quetzalcoatl decided to come to Earth in a human body after several hot days when he could not find any water he lay down under a full moon to die he came hair came across him the rabbit and asked what was wrong q said there is no food or water I will surely die nonsense hair said just eat grass like me there's enough for everyone my human body can't eat grass all I can do is die now hair could have said serves you right for becoming human and hopped away instead after considering he offered you could eat me I'll die but she'll keep on living q was so impressed he changed into his true form the feathered serpent and left into the sky and said I wish to honor you hair from this moment on you will live in the moon and whenever it is full you're selflessness will be remembered Reading this wonderful story it struck me that q lost his memory of his true self when he became human and only the shock of hairs altruism reminded him of who he really was and maybe we humans all share the same problem amnesia of our true selves

And nine of Roots accomplishment the culmination of work and effort satisfaction in whatever has been accomplished this is one of the most beautifully balanced compositions in the Brady Toro in the middle of the picture the trees stand uniform evenly spaced below ground we see each trees roots almost as uniform as the trunks though the roots on each end snake down to frame the title of the card above the tree trunks the leaves grow in such abundance that they merge together and form what looks like a landscape of green hills with a valley in the center to make a space for the number of the card The roots and trunks symbolize the sustained efforts the lush leaves the sense of accomplishment and in the foreground we see the dynamic excited body of a red-bellied woodpecker with the reward of his labors a beak and cloth full of grubs when we look again at the trees we noticed the trunks are riddled with holes where the woodpecker labored to find all those delicious larvae The trees show no signs of harm they still stand strong fed by their roots and the blue sky above the leaves