Monday, November 23, 2020

Okay so I should have gone to bed like a couple hours ago well actually if I wanted to get eight hours to sleep I should have gone to bed four hours ago but I think we're going to make do with four and a half hours since we got an hour and a half for two hour nap this afternoon and since that's just apparently how we roll anyway

I hope that you're doing well
I'm uncertain whether I like this retinol or not
It already came I was surprised
It's definitely not too strong
But I think it's not nothing
But I have to be really careful with the acids
And this has some amount but I'm not sure how much of lactic acid to help
I don't know make a bigger impact with the resurfacing
I'm probably putting on more than I'm supposed to
And I've been picking
I wish I could make myself stop but I don't seem to be able to
And I feel like I've been thinking that it's just around the corner that my face is going to be clear for like I don't know I feel like I've been telling you that for like 2 years

Anyway I love you I'm going to bed

I just wanted to let you know I did a reading yesterday but I didn't tell you about it yesterday
I ask it what we would be like together
And it gave me eight of roots discipline

And I hope that was very interesting so I'm going to tell you about it eight of Roots is eight of pentacles and that is the card that is usually in like a right or weight deck oh God damn it Ryder Waite deck it's the card that usually has the journeyman craftsman working to perfect his skill and I wouldn't have exactly called a discipline because if I just say discipline by itself I think like discipline and punish
So I saw discipline and I kind of frowned but then I'm like no no no not like that

Working sometimes alone but more often with others on some worthwhile project or activity there is a goal and yet the real value lies in the work itself The putting together of something lasting the learning of skills working with others towards a common goal The work might take place in some traditional structures such as a small company or an artist collective or group of healers or a school or a union whatever the setting what matters is the dedication both individually and as a group Emmy quotes a famous bit of advice from the I ching
Perseverance furthers

And featured on the card are eastern bumblebees that build their hives underground The workers labor together to create the unified organism that will serve them all the hive everything in the picture suggests that seeming individuals actually form a larger hole and then I'm skipping a bit and then it says there is a growing body of thought that suggests a forest is not a collection of isolated creatures but a single organism like a hive of bees

Joe I thought that was good I mean I don't guess it's super romantic but

I thought it fitted in nicely with our mythology

So what I was working on the other day and what I'm going to be working on tomorrow every year at Christmas time she sells a lot of cards and they're you know small collage cards that people can either give as a card or they can you know frame as a small picture or whatever and they're you know about $10 and she's like working on these little canvases that you can just stand up on your desk or mantle or whatever or hang on the wall and do whatever you want with them but they stand up by themselves and some of them are 5x5 and some of them are 6x6 and I think a few of them are 8x8 and so she's working on painting a bunch of those so she's like hey can you make cards they're just collages and I'm like yeah I love to do collages I literally love to do collages so she's got like just a ton of you know stamps and bits of paper and then she's got all these squares that are like well they're not squares they're rectang yeah rectangles that are some of them are well some of them are from big pieces of paper that she just painted with different kind of colors and textures and then cut up and some of them are from watercolors that she's done in the past that you know didn't work out for one reason or another and so she cut them up and so I spent a lot of time going through and picking out bits that appealed to me and then I worked on making cards and I wouldn't say I got as many done as I would have hoped that I did but I spent a lot of time looking through stuff and I didn't even go through all of it because I finally was like you know I just need to start doing stuff I've got enough to be going on with

So it was just super fun
I don't really know why I haven't been able to get it together today
But I'm like very excited to go and do collages tomorrow
the my collages don't really look very much like her collages
But they are made with her paintings and stuff so you know

Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋